Online Hypnotherapist

Part 4: Harnessing the Power of Mindset: Stop Smoking Now with Help from Hypnotherapy

In 2021 the doctor told Karen’s husband that if he wanted to live for a few more years, he had to make some significant changes in his eating and lifestyle.  That was all Karen needed to hear.  She revamped their eating, changing to homecooked, organic ingredient meals.  They started walking every night.  There was only one more hurdle – she had been a heavy smoker for 35 years.  She had tried to quite smoking before, she wanted to be a good example for her grandsons whom she watched 3 days a week.  She called me, explained the situation and asked if I could help.  Absolutely, I said and we started to work on her smoking.  I used the 3 session protocol I always use:  #1 Get ready to quit and pick a quit date, #2 Quit and #3 Seal in that she will never smoke again. I am happy to report that after three years, Karen is still smoke-free.

This final installment of the mindset series explores the transformative journey of smoking cessation and how hypnotherapy can provide invaluable support in breaking free from nicotine addiction.

Understanding Smoking Cessation Goals: Smoking cessation goals are centered around ending the harmful habit of tobacco use and achieving lasting freedom from nicotine addiction. The most common reasons that people cite to stop smoking include:

  1. Health Improvement: Quitting smoking is one of the most significant steps you can take to improve your health and reduce the risk of smoking-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and respiratory conditions.

  2. Enhanced Quality of Life: Breaking free from nicotine addiction can lead to improvements in physical fitness, energy levels, and overall well-being, enhancing your quality of life and longevity.

  3. Financial Savings: Smoking cessation can result in substantial financial savings over time, as you no longer need to spend money on cigarettes or related healthcare costs.

  4. Improved Social Relationships: Quitting smoking can lead to improved social interactions and relationships, as you no longer have to worry about the social stigma associated with smoking or exposing others to secondhand smoke.

  5. Role Modeling for Others: Quitting smoking can serve as a positive example for friends, family members, and loved ones, inspiring them to prioritize their health and well-being.

The Smoking Cessation Mindset and the Mind-Body Connection:

Your mindset plays a crucial role in your ability to successfully quit smoking and maintain abstinence long-term. Through the mind-body connection, your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can either support or hinder progress towards your smoking cessation goal. Here are the characteristic attitudes/beliefs associated with negative and positive smoking cessation mindsets:

Negative Smoking Cessation Mindset:

  1. Fear of Withdrawal Symptoms: Anticipating withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, irritability, and anxiety, leading to avoidance of quitting or relapse.

  2. Self-Doubt and Lack of Confidence: Doubting your ability to quit smoking successfully or maintain abstinence long-term, leading to self-sabotage and relapse.

  3. Identification with Smoking Identity: Viewing smoking as an integral part of your identity or coping mechanism, making it challenging to envision life without cigarettes.

  4. Negative Self-Talk: Engaging in negative self-talk or self-criticism related to past quit attempts or perceived lack of willpower, undermining motivation and resilience.

  5. Social and Environmental Triggers: You feel triggered to smoke in social situations or environments associated with smoking, increasing your vulnerability to relapse.

Positive Smoking Cessation Mindset:

  1. Commitment to Health and Well-Being:  You prioritize your health and well-being as primary motivators for quitting smoking and you embrace a proactive approach to self-care and longevity.

  2. Belief in Personal Agency: Believing in your ability to quit smoking successfully and overcome challenges fosters confidence and determination.

  3. Reframing Smoking Narratives: You challenge the narrative that smoking is pleasurable or beneficial and understand that cigarettes are toxic substances that undermine health and vitality.

  4. Social Support and Accountability: You accept support from friends, family, or support groups and hold yourself accountable for your no smoking goal, fostering a sense of community and encouragement.

  5. Celebrating Milestones and Progress: You celebrate milestones and progress along the quit journey, reinforcing motivation and resilience in the face of challenges.

Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation Mindset Transformation:

Hypnotherapy offers a unique approach to transforming the smoking cessation mindset, addressing underlying beliefs and emotions that may be perpetuating nicotine addiction. Through techniques such as relaxation, visualization, and suggestion, hypnotherapy can help you to:

  • Reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with nicotine dependence.

  • Overcome limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns related to smoking cessation.

  • Reinforce positive motivations and intentions for quitting smoking.

  • Develop coping strategies for managing triggers, stress, and emotional cravings.

  • Cultivate a deep-seated commitment to health and well-being, paving the way for long-term smoking cessation success.


By harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy empowers you to break free from the grip of nicotine addiction and embrace a smoke-free lifestyle.

Working together with your hypnotherapist using proven, researched based hypnotherapy techniques in a series of hypnosis and counseling sessions, you can discover/clarify your general physical health mindset and specific beliefs and concerns about your current smoking habits, establish and prioritize your no smoking goals, envision the thoughts, feelings and activities of an updated mindset that supports your goals, craft customized personal affirmations in alignment with your updated mindset, and  establish a daily affirmations and gratitude practice that reinforces your mindset, celebrates progress and propels you toward successful achievement of our your specific np smoking goal.

If you are considering working with me as your hypnotherapist, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please call me at 818-929-4944 or go to to book a free consultation.



HypnoNews and Resources

 For a more detailed article that asks questions like why is it so hard to stop smoking, please see the following:

Part 3: Harnessing the Power of Mindset: Better Sleep with Help from Hypnotherapy

Most adults have had a sleepless night or a ‘didn’t sleep well last night’ experience at one time or another. This experience can be simply a passing annoyance. However, for some of you, frequent or chronic insomnia can be a debilitating problem with significant mental and physical health implications.

Juanita had done an excellent job of training herself to get by on 3 (yes, 3!) hours of sleep a night.  She was a young mother, working part time and going to school.  She literally believed that she had no time to sleep.  10 years later, her son (and now daughter as well) were 8 and 10 and she wanted to sleep more and better.  Could I help? Of course I could.

First of all, we talked about her goals and how important getting a better night’s sleep was to her.  She felt that at her age, she needed more sleep.  Her goal was 7-8 hours a night.  The first thing we did was come up with a set of affirmations changing her mindset about sleep.  Instead of “I won’t be able to sleep more than 3 hours tonight,” we changed her self-talk to “I easily get 8 hours of sleep every night.”  In hypnosis, she was really relaxed for the first time in a long time.  I encouraged her to listen to the recording of her hypnosis session as she was falling asleep so she would be very relaxed.  Each time she listened to the recording she reinforced that feeling of complete relaxation.  Soon, she was sleeping 7-8 hours every night.

After your first few hypnotherapy sessions, you may also feel like you have had a ‘good night’s sleep’ for the first time in weeks, months, or even years. You fell asleep easily, slept through the night, and woke up in the morning feeling alert and refreshed.

This third installment of the series explores the critical role of mindset in achieving better sleep and how hypnotherapy can be a transformative tool in overcoming sleep-related challenges.

Understanding Sleep Goals:

Quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being, yet many individuals struggle with sleep-related issues. The five most common reasons people set sleep goals are:

  1. Improved Health and Vitality: Adequate sleep is crucial for physical and mental health, supporting immune function, cognitive performance, and emotional well-being.

  2. Enhanced Productivity and Performance: Quality sleep promotes alertness, concentration, and productivity, facilitating success in work, school, and daily activities.

  3. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: Deep, restorative sleep helps you reduce stress levels, promote relaxation, and recharge your body and mind for the day ahead.

  4. Emotional Regulation: Sleep plays a vital role in emotional regulation, helping you manage mood swings, irritability, and emotional reactivity.

  5. Disease Prevention: Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to an increased risk of various health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and depression.

The Sleep Mindset and the Mind-Body Connection:

Your mindset profoundly influences your sleep quality and patterns. Through the mind-body connection, your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can impact sleep onset, duration, and overall sleep quality. Here are the attitudes/beliefs associated with negative and positive sleep mindsets:

Negative Sleep Mindset:

  1. Catastrophic Thinking: You dwell on worst-case scenarios or potential sleep disturbances, leading to anxiety and heightened arousal.

  2. Sleep Avoidance Behaviors: You engage in activities that disrupt sleep, such as excessive screen time, caffeine consumption, or irregular sleep schedules.

  3. Hyperarousal: Heightened vigilance or arousal before bedtime, makes it difficult for you to relax and fall asleep.

  4. Clock Watching: Obsessively monitoring the clock and calculating how much sleep you will get, leading to increased stress and sleep disturbance.

  5. Daytime Sleep Anxiety: You worry about the consequences of poor sleep or feeling anxious about not getting enough rest, perpetuating a cycle of sleep-related stress.

Positive Sleep Mindset:

  1. Relaxation and Acceptance: You embrace relaxation techniques and accept sleep variability, letting go of perfectionism and sleep-related worries.

  2. Establishing Sleep Hygiene: You prioritize sleep hygiene practices including a consistent sleep schedule, a relaxing bedtime routine, and a comfortable sleep environment.

  3. Mindfulness and Present Moment Awareness: You learn and practice ways  to stay present and grounded, reducing pre-sleep rumination and anxiety.

  4. Trust in the Body's Ability to Sleep: You are confident in your body's natural ability to regulate sleep and restore balance, fostering a sense of ease and trust in the sleep process.

  5. Gratitude and Positive Outlook: You practice gratitude and focus on positive aspects of the day, promoting relaxation and emotional well-being conducive to restful sleep.

Hypnotherapy for Sleep Mindset Transformation:

Hypnotherapy offers a unique approach to transforming your sleep mindset, addressing underlying beliefs and emotions that may be contributing to sleep-related challenges. Through techniques such as guided imagery, progressive relaxation, and hypnotic suggestion, hypnotherapy can help you:

  • Reduce pre-sleep anxiety and hyperarousal.

  • Cultivate a calm and relaxed state conducive to sleep onset.

  • Overcome sleep-related fears and negative thought patterns.

  • Enhance sleep quality and duration through subconscious reprogramming.

  • Develop healthy sleep habits and routines to support long-term sleep success.


By harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy empowers you to align your mindset with your sleep goals, paving the way for restorative and rejuvenating sleep.

Working together with your hypnotherapist using proven hypnotherapy techniques in a series of hypnosis and counseling sessions, you can discover/clarify your general sleep health mindset and specific beliefs and concerns about your current sleep hygiene, establish and prioritize your sleep goals, envision the thoughts, feelings and activities of an updated mindset that supports your goals, craft customized personal affirmations in alignment with your updated sleep mindset, and  establish a daily affirmations and gratitude practice that reinforces your mindset, celebrates progress and propels you toward successful achievement of our your specific sleep goals.

If you are considering working with me as your hypnotherapist, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please call me at 818-929-4944 or go to to book a free consultation.

Stay tuned for Part 4: Harnessing the Power of Mindset: Stop Smoking Now with Help from Hypnotherapy, where we turn our focus to smoking cessation goals and explore how hypnotherapy can support you in breaking free from nicotine addiction and you can delve into the transformative potential of mindset in achieving smoking cessation with the help of hypnotherapy.



HypnoNews and Resources

One man’s personal, post pandemic story that you might relate to:

I Tried Everything to Cure My Insomnia. This Is What Finally Worked.


For the research minded:

Hypnosis Intervention Effects on Sleep Outcomes: A Systematic Review

Looking For Love? Start With Yourself! Use Hypnotherapy As Your Guide.

My client did not know she was looking for love. Michelle came to me to lose 20 pounds.  She was in her late sixties, divorced with adult children.  As we talked, she said she would like to be in a relationship, but felt unattractive carrying the extra weight.  After working together, she lost the 20 pounds and had a different outlook on life.  She was happy with herself, maybe even loved herself, and was ready to look for a relationship.  We crafted the affirmation, “I am open to a positive, healthy, loving relationship.”  Guess what?  In a few weeks, she found her new someone and is now in a happy, healthy relationship.

Embarking on the journey to find new love is a transformative and exciting chapter in life. However, before seeking external connections, it's essential to turn the focus inward. In this article, we explore the profound connection between readiness, self-love, and attracting new love relationships. Discover the power of self-care practices, delve into the 5-stage theory of change, and understand how hypnotherapy serves as a guiding light on this extraordinary journey.

The 5-Stage Theory of Change: Before any significant life change, individuals often undergo a process that psychologist Prochaska termed the 5-stage theory of change. The stages are pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. The readiness to act stage, marked by a genuine intention to make a change, is the crucial precursor to finding new love.

Self-love is the cornerstone of a healthy and fulfilling life. It involves recognizing and appreciating one's worth, acknowledging personal needs, and treating oneself with kindness and compassion. In the context of finding new love, self-love becomes a magnetic force that enhances attractiveness and sets the stage for meaningful connections.

Examples of Self-Care Activities: Self-love is manifested through intentional self-care practices. These activities nourish the mind, body, and soul, fostering a sense of well-being and contentment. Examples include:

1.            Mindful Practices:  Meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices promote mental clarity and emotional balance.

2.            Physical Well-Being:  Regular exercise, nutritious eating habits, and sufficient sleep contribute to overall physical health and vitality.

3.            Creative Expression:  Engaging in activities that spark creativity and self-expression, such as art, writing, or music, fosters a sense of fulfillment.

4.            Setting Boundaries: Learning to say no when necessary and setting healthy boundaries preserves energy and promotes emotional resilience.

Positive self-care practices reinforce self-love in a continuous loop. As individuals prioritize their well-being, they cultivate a positive self-image and a deep sense of fulfillment. This, in turn, enhances attractiveness, creating a magnetic pull for potential new love relationships.

Hypnotherapy's Role in the Journey to New Love:

1.            Building Readiness:  Hypnotherapy assists individuals in navigating the readiness stage by addressing any subconscious barriers or fears that may hinder the pursuit of new love.

2.            Enhancing Self-Love: Through positive affirmations and guided imagery, hypnotherapy reinforces self-love, fostering a deep and lasting sense of worthiness.

3.            Transformative Mindset: Hypnotherapy helps individuals cultivate a mindset aligned with positive change, enabling them to approach the journey to new love with confidence and optimism.

4.            Stress Reduction and Emotional Resilience: Techniques such as stress reduction and emotional resilience building equip individuals with the tools to navigate the inevitable challenges of seeking new love.

5.            Visualization for Attraction: Hypnotherapy incorporates visualization techniques to help individuals visualize and manifest the qualities they seek in a new love relationship, creating a powerful magnetism.

As your hypnotherapist I can serve as an experienced guide on this transformative journey. Through tailored sessions, I provide support, tools, and insights to help you overcome obstacles, build readiness, and cultivate the self-love necessary for attracting and sustaining fulfilling new love relationships.

As you set forth on the path to find new love, remember that the most potent catalyst for meaningful connections lies within—ready yourself, practice self-love, and let hypnotherapy be your trusted guide on this extraordinary journey of transformation and love.

If you are considering working with me as your hypnotherapist, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please call me at 818-929-4944 or go to to book a free consultation.



HypnoNews and Resources

Once you find and are enjoying your new someone, you might begin to think about the longer term. For an excellent article exploring the importance of compatibility for long term relationships, please see the following:

Part 4: Ready-Set-Go: Achieving and Sustaining New Year's Resolutions With Your Hypnotherapist's Support

Jeff began his New Year’s Resolution journey on his own with no blueprint and no support. He was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and he needed to make changes in his diet and exercise practices to feel better and sustain his health. Using mostly will power he managed to achieve his target A1c level by mid-year. However, in late fall, cold weather and the onset of the holiday season’s food fests were challenging Jeff’s outdoor exercise practices and his diet.  He came to me for hypnotherapy help. We discussed the 5 stages of change theory and noted that he seemed to be at stage 5 (maintenance) in his journey. Following the blueprint for transformative resolutions with scheduled hypnotherapy follow-up support, we reviewed his goals, addressed his current challenges, planned and celebrated his success in maintaining his target A1c levels through out the winter and into spring of the next new year.

Part 4: Blueprint for Transformative Resolutions: Achieve and Sustain

In this final installment of our series, we lay out a comprehensive blueprint for your transformative journey toward achieving and sustaining your New Year's resolutions. This blueprint, informed by the synergy of readiness, SMART goals, hypnotherapy, positive affirmations, and visualization, guides you through each step of the resolution and maintenance process.

The Importance of Readiness to Change: Revisiting the Foundation

As we embark on crafting a transformative blueprint, it's crucial to revisit the cornerstone—readiness. The 5 stages of change theory, encompassing precontemplation to maintenance, underscores the evolution of readiness. Here's how it aligns with the blueprint:

  • Readiness as a Driving Force: Throughout the transformative journey, readiness acts as a driving force. Revisit your initial commitment to change during moments of challenge, anchoring yourself in the firm foundation of readiness.

  • Continual Growth: Recognize that readiness is not a one-time event but a continual process. Embrace the evolving nature of readiness as you progress through the stages of change.

Crafting SMART Resolutions: Building Clear Pathways

Building upon the foundation of readiness, SMART resolutions serve as the navigational markers on your journey. Each component of SMART contributes to a clear and achievable path:

  • Specificity: Specific resolutions create clarity. Instead of a vague goal, articulate the specifics of what you aim to achieve. For instance, replace "exercise more" with "Walk an average of 11,600 steps per day every week."

  • Measurability: Measurable criteria allow for progress tracking. Establish quantifiable metrics, ensuring that you can celebrate achievements and adjust strategies as needed.

  • Achievability: Set goals that are realistic and attainable. While ambition is commendable, ensure that your resolutions align with your current capabilities, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

  • Relevance: Align resolutions with your values and long-term objectives. A relevant goal resonates with personal aspirations, maintaining intrinsic motivation throughout the journey.

  • Time-Boundedness: Establishing time frames adds a sense of urgency. Setting deadlines for milestones and overall achievement enhances focus and time management.

Building A Daily Affirmation Practice: Reinforcing Positivity

With SMART resolutions in place, the next step is to reinforce positivity through a daily affirmation practice. Positive affirmations become the motivational fuel that sustains your resolution journey:

  • Consistency is Key: Regularly repeat affirmations to instill positive beliefs. Consistency deepens the impact of affirmations on the subconscious mind.

  • Alignment with Goals: Craft affirmations that align seamlessly with your SMART resolutions. The synergy between positive affirmations and specific goals amplifies motivation.

  • Morning Rituals: Incorporate affirmations into your morning routine. Starting the day with positive thoughts sets a constructive tone for the hours ahead.

  • Evening Reflections: Conclude the day by listening to your hypnotherapy recording. Write your affirmations and what you are grateful for in your journal just before bedtime.

Adding a Gratitude Practice: Fostering Fulfillment

Gratitude, a powerful emotion, is an integral component of the blueprint. Cultivating gratitude enhances fulfillment, resilience, and overall well-being.

  • Daily Gratitude Journaling: Dedicate time each day to journaling three things you are grateful for. This practice shifts focus to positive aspects, fostering a grateful mindset.

  • Expressing Gratitude: Beyond personal reflections, express gratitude to others. This could be through notes, messages, or acts of kindness, deepening interpersonal connections.

  • Gratitude as a Resilience Tool: During challenging moments in your resolution journey, revisit your gratitude journal. The positive emotions associated with gratitude act as a resilience tool.

Scheduled Follow-Up Sessions: Ensuring Sustained Success

The blueprint's final touch involves scheduled follow-up sessions with your hypnotherapist. These sessions play a pivotal role in refining goals, addressing challenges, and ensuring sustained success:

  • Goal Review: Regularly review your SMART resolutions with your hypnotherapist. Adjust goals based on progress, challenges, and evolving priorities.

  • Addressing Challenges: Use follow-up sessions to discuss any challenges encountered. Hypnotherapy provides a supportive space to explore and overcome obstacles.

  • Celebrating Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate achievements during follow-up sessions. Recognizing progress reinforces positive behavior and motivates continued effort.


 As you embark on your transformative journey armed with the blueprint—rooted in readiness, guided by SMART resolutions, reinforced by daily affirmations and gratitude, and supported by follow-up sessions—remember that resolutions are not just about achievement but a journey of continuous growth. The synergy of these elements ensures that your resolutions not only endure but flourish, fostering a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Closing Thoughts

With the transformative blueprint in hand, you are poised to make this year your most impactful yet. The combination of clarity, positivity, gratitude, and ongoing support sets the stage for resolutions that go beyond mere accomplishment—they become a pathway to a more vibrant and fulfilling life. Ready, set, go—your transformative journey awaits.

If you are considering working with me as your hypnotherapist, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please call me at 818-929-4944 or go to to book a free consultation.



HypnoNews and Resources

A research study in 2020 investigated what resolutions people make when they are free to formulate them, whether different resolutions reach differing success rates, and whether it is possible to increase the likelihood of a resolution’s success through various types of support. Participants were placed in three groups: active control, some support, and extended support. At a one year follow-up, the group that got some support was “exclusively and significantly” more successful. Read the study here:

Part 3 - Ready-Set-Go: Achieving and Sustaining New Year's Resolutions With Your Hypnotherapist's Support

Surveys tell us that a New Year’s Resolution to lose some weight is one of the top 3 resolutions that people make every year. One of my clients came to me last January wanting to lose 40 lbs. In our initial two sessions I worked with her to establish her readiness to make changes and to craft her resolutions in a SMART form. Then we began to apply the power of hypnotherapy, affirmations, and guided visualization to support her weight loss actions. By June she was well on her way. By year end she was down 27 pounds. Her resolution for 2024 is now to lose the remaining 13 lbs. by May 15th and then maintain her healthy new body weight forever more.

The Power of Hypnotherapy: Affirmations and Visualization for Success

Part 3 of this series, explores

  • The transformative power of hypnotherapy

  • Positive Affirmations

  • Visualization techniques in the context of achieving your New Year's resolutions

  • Understanding how your hypnotherapist uses these techniques to help propel you toward your goals and foster lasting positive change

Hypnotherapy's Transformative Influence

  • Breaking Through Mental Barriers: Hypnotherapy serves as a potent tool for breaking through mental barriers that may hinder progress in achieving resolutions. By inducing a state of deep relaxation, hypnotherapy enables access to your subconscious mind, where ingrained patterns of thinking and limiting beliefs reside

  • The Subconscious Mind: The subconscious mind plays a crucial role in shaping behavior. Hypnotherapy allows you to explore and reshape subconscious thought patterns, promoting a more positive and constructive mindset that supports goal achievement

  • Challenging Negative Beliefs: Through guided hypnotherapy sessions, you can identify and challenge negative beliefs that may be rooted in past experiences or self-doubt. This process is essential for creating a mental environment conducive to success.

Understanding Affirmations

In my hypnotherapy practice I include the use of positive affirmations as an integral part of the process.

Affirmations are statements about yourself, your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors as you want them to be. They use positive, constructive words to state what you intend to be true when your have completed a personal change goal such as a New Year’s Resolution.

The word ‘affirm’ means to make firm. You can use written affirmations to make a goal or belief firm in your subconscious mind and bring it into forceful alignment with your conscious desire. Affirmations are a vehicle for change, for transformation, in your life.

Crafting Effective Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are written in the present tense as if the statements are true now. They usually begin with the words ‘I’ or ‘My’ and include positive feelings or actions. Here is an easy six step process you can use when crafting positive affirmations that will support achieving your New Year’s Resolutions:

  1. Find a quiet, peaceful place where you can relax and work without distraction for a least 20 minutes

  2.  Using a simple sheet of paper or notebook, consider and jot down several of your current issues, problems and goals for change

  3. Select an issue that is important to you to work on first. Refer to part 2 in this series and render that issue as a SMART New Year’s Resolution

  4. Write out some statements beginning with ‘I’ or ‘My’ and affirming your desired state/goal as true. Write them in the present tense, using positive feeling and action words. Keep going until you have seven to ten statements to work with

  5. Read your statements out loud and notice which ones resonate strongly  and feel the most powerful and authentic for you

  6. Pick the top three statements to use in beginning your daily affirmation practice in support of your New Year’s Resolutions

When I work with you on achieving your New Year’s Resolutions we use my book, New Power in Affirmations, to help you craft effective affirmations and establish a daily affirmation practice that powerfully supports your goals. I encourage my clients to write their affirmations in longhand every evening before going to sleep.

Instilling Confidence Through Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations, when integrated into hypnotherapy sessions, act as powerful catalysts for change. Here's how they work in tandem with hypnotherapy:

  • Repetition and Reinforcement: Positive affirmations are repeated during hypnotherapy sessions to reinforce desired beliefs. Consistent repetition helps embed these affirmations in the subconscious, aligning the mind with the pursuit of resolutions.

  • Cultivating Self-Belief: Hypnotherapy instills confidence by incorporating affirmations that cultivate self-belief. As you repeat and internalize these positive statements, you develop a stronger sense of self-efficacy and resilience.

  • Aligning with Goals: Crafting affirmations that align with specific New Year’s Resolution goals ensures that the subconscious is focused on the desired outcomes. This alignment enhances motivation and commitment.

Visualization and Guided Imagery: Creating a Mental Blueprint

Visualization and guided imagery are powerful techniques employed in hypnotherapy to create a mental blueprint for achieving and sustaining your New Year’s Resolutions.

  • Vivid Imagery of Success: Hypnotherapy sessions can guide you to vividly imagine yourself successfully achieving your resolutions. This mental rehearsal enhances motivation and primes the mind for success.

  • Emotional Connection: Visualization allows you to connect with the emotional aspects of your goals. The positive emotions associated with success become powerful motivators, driving sustained effort.

  • Overcoming Challenges: Through guided imagery, hypnotherapy helps you visualize overcoming challenges you may encounter on your resolution journey. This proactive visualization equips you with mental strategies for resilience.


Hypnotherapy, when integrated with positive affirmations and visualization techniques, becomes a dynamic force in the pursuit of New Year's Resolutions. By breaking through mental barriers, instilling confidence, and creating a vivid mental blueprint for success, you are empowered to navigate your New Year’s Resolution journey with clarity and purpose.

Having harnessed the transformative power of hypnotherapy, join me in Part 4 as we craft a blueprint for your transformative journey—setting the stage for New Year’s Resolutions that not only endure but flourish.

If you are considering working with me as your hypnotherapist, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please call me at 818-929-4944 or go to to book a free consultation.



HypnoNews and Resosurces

For some additional ideas specifically focused on setting and crafting positive goal affirmations, please see the following:

Part 2 - Ready-Set-Go: Achieving and Sustaining New Year's Resolutions With Your Hypnotherapists Support

Part 2-Understanding New Year's Resolutions-Crafting Meaningful Goals

Late last fall my husband and I got the exciting and joyful news that our daughter was engaged. A month or two later, while we were attending a 2 day business planning seminar, Burt surprised me by declaring to the whole room that his #1 goal for 2024 is to finance and host an extraordinary wedding event for our daughter in Dallas, Texas by June, 2024. Clearly, Burt has reached the readiness stage of the 5 stage theory of change model and apparently he knows something about the SMART methodology for better goal setting.

Part 2 of this series, delves into the intricate world of New Year's resolutions. Understanding the dynamics, categories, and success factors behind resolutions is crucial for crafting meaningful and achievable goals that stand the test of time.

Understanding New Year's Resolutions

As the calendar turns a new page, the tradition of setting New Year’s Resolutions comes into focus. Resolutions are promises we make to ourselves—a commitment to personal growth, well-being, and fulfillment. To embark on a successful resolution journey, it's essential to gain a comprehensive understanding of this tradition.

Categories of Resolutions: Navigating Diverse Realms

Resolutions can span various aspects of life, reflecting the multifaceted nature of personal growth. Categories include:

  • Health and Wellness: Resolutions related to physical health, exercise, nutrition, and overall well-being.

  • Personal Development: Goals focusing on self-improvement, skill enhancement, and lifelong learning.

  • Relationships: Resolutions centered around building and nurturing meaningful connections with others.

  • Career and Finance: Aspirations for professional growth, financial stability, and career satisfaction.

Understanding the diverse categories allows individuals to tailor resolutions to their unique needs and priorities.

Types and Forms: Decoding Success Factors

Resolutions come in various types and forms, and understanding their success factors is key to achieving lasting change.

  • Success Rates: Research suggests that resolutions related to health and well-being tend to have higher success rates. Understanding this can influence the selection of resolutions based on personal priorities and the likelihood of success.

  • Abandonment Patterns: Statistics indicate that a significant number of resolutions are abandoned within the first few weeks of the year. Recognizing common abandonment patterns can help individuals develop strategies to overcome challenges and persevere.

  • SMART Resolutions: Introducing the concept of SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Crafting resolutions with these criteria enhances clarity, feasibility, and accountability.

Crafting SMART New Year's Resolutions

Crafting resolutions that adhere to the SMART framework is a practical and effective approach. This methodology transforms vague aspirations into concrete, achievable objectives.

  • Specific: Clearly define the resolution. Instead of a broad goal like "exercise more," specify "jog for 30 minutes three times a week."

  • Measurable: Establish quantifiable criteria to track progress. For instance, instead of "eat healthier," set a measurable target like "consume five servings of vegetables daily."

  • Achievable: Ensure the resolution is realistic and attainable. Setting an achievable goal promotes a sense of accomplishment and motivates further progress.

  • Relevant: Align the resolution with personal values and long-term objectives. A relevant goal resonates with individual aspirations, increasing commitment.

  • Time-bound: Set a timeframe for achieving the resolution. A deadline creates a sense of urgency and helps manage time effectively. For example, "lose 10 pounds in three months."

 Practical Tips for Crafting SMART Resolutions:

  • Reflect on Values: Consider what truly matters to you. Resolutions aligned with core values are more likely to be pursued with enthusiasm.

  • Prioritize Realistic Goals: While ambition is commendable, resolutions should be grounded in reality. Gradual progress is sustainable and fosters a positive mindset.

  • Break Down Complex Goals: If a resolution is complex, break it down into smaller, manageable steps. Each small achievement contributes to the overall success.


Understanding the diverse categories and success factors of New Year’s Resolutions, coupled with the practical crafting of SMART goals, lays the foundation for a purposeful resolution journey.

Having gained insight into the world of New Year’s Resolutions, join me in Part 3 as we explore the transformative power of hypnotherapy and how positive affirmations and visualization techniques synergize with resolutions, propelling you toward your goals.

If you are considering working with me as your hypnotherapist, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please or call me at 818-929-4944 go to to book a free consult.



HypnoNews and Resources

For a fascinating and informative article about the history and evolution of New Year’s Resolutions, please see the following:

How Hypnotherapy Can Help with Substance Dependency

My flight home from Dallas was delayed due to an incoming tornado, so I decided to get a glass of wine in the bar. The first fun thing that happened was that I was asked for my ID.  I am way older than 21 but it sure felt good! 

Then, the gentleman sitting next to me started a conversation.  We started with the weather and then he joked, “Kinda funny, I’m sitting here with a beer and a whisky waiting for my plane to rehab.”  I must admit I was a little surprised but they had told him that whatever it took for him to get on the plane was fine, as long as he made it to rehab. 

He easily shared a little about his life. He had been drinking heavily for 34 years. He had 2 granddaughters, 1 and 3, and said he wanted to live to see them go to prom. When he talked to his family about stopping drinking, they were ALL quick to encourage him.   He had some doubts he could make it through rehab. I kept telling him I know you can do this. That seemed to help. I hope he makes it.

While substance abuse is out of scope for my work in hypnotherapy with clients, I can help with changing mindsets – encouraging clients on their rehab journey.  Affirmations can be a great help in changing your mind about who you are with and without substances.      

If you are dependent on addictive substances to help you relax or enjoy life, you may have a problem.  Along with your treatment, hypnotherapy can provide alternative ways of coping, feeling better about yourself in social situations and dealing with difficult situations.

Using addictive substances can also be an attempt to cope with a traumatic event in your life.  Again, hypnotherapy can provide another way of viewing that event, making it less impactful on your daily life.

I also encourage weight loss clients to carefully monitor their alcohol intake.  Alcohol consists of empty calories and can reduce your willpower when watching what you eat.

If you would like to discuss how hypnotherapy might be helpful on your journey, please reach out. Call for a free consultation (818-929-4944) or join my free Hypnotherapy Q & A every Wednesday at 10 am PST.

You can register here.



HypnoNews and Resources

Here are some articles with more information:

What to Know About Hypnosis for Alcoholism

Hypnosis Won’t Make You Stop Drinking Overnight, but It May Help

How Does Hypnotherapy Help With Sustainable Weight Loss

I first learned about hypnotherapy many years ago when I was struggling to lose weight after 3 pregnancies.  It really helped me change my view toward exercise and drinking alcohol. After being hypnotized I did not have my usual glass of wine with dinner.  The next morning I got up and put on my walking shoes and went for a walk!  Neither of those things was my usual habit.  I was sold.  Hypnotherapy could make it easier for me to achieve the goals I set out for myself in weight loss.

Fast forward many years and I am now a hypnotherapist, helping others lose weight.  How do I do that? I help my clients identify their goals and explore what plan works best for them.  I am familiar with many weight loss plans and my clients usually are too.  We then decide on a plan and a timeline.  We work together to set up affirmations that will help them achieve their goals.

I usually suggest that one of their affirmations is their goal weight.  Sometimes our brain isn’t comfortable with a new number and wants to keep us at the higher number.  When the goal number is kept in focus it can make it easier for our mind to accept that new number.

Another affirmation can center around what specific plan the client will use:  “I follow Weight Watchers Personal Points” or “I follow the 28 Day Keto Plan.”

And of course movement is very important.  Having an affirmation about going to the gym, walking 3 times a week or playing tennis is a daily reminder of what the client has committed to.

Let’s not forget about sleep…  Research has shown that sleep in crucial in maintaining a healthy weight
“I get 8 hours of sleep every night” is a great affirmation for us all. 

If weight loss/weight management is of concern to you, please give me a call for a free consultation (818-929-4944) or join my free Hypnotherapy Q & A every Wednesday at 10 am PST.

You can register here.



HypnoNews and Resources

Here are some articles with more information:

Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss:  Does It Work?

What is Hypnosis for Weight Loss and Does It Work?


Nine Things You Can Do To Help Yourself Sleep Better

Recently I worked with a client who was not sleeping well.  At his second appointment, he reported that he had had his first good night’s sleep in years. If you are one of the millions of people who don’t get the sleep you need, here are some of the things I shared with my client that he could do to lock in his better sleep habits.

1. Try and get to sleep by 10 pm every night.  Your body produces a very beneficial hormone for brain function and physical endurance.  The best hours for production of this hormone are between 10 pm and 12 am.

2. Sleep in a dark bedroom.  Melatonin is produced when the sun is down and it is dark where you are sleeping.  If necessary, invest in blackout curtains or shades.

3. No screen time 90 minutes before bed.  Blue light close to bedtime suppresses melatonin production.

4. Get as much sunshine as possible during the day. This helps your body’s circadian rhythm so that your body knows when to sleep and when to be awake.

5. A warm bath actually cools you and when you are cooler you get a better night’s sleep.  For sore muscles, Epsom salts can be helpful.  My favorite – Epson salt with lavender and bubbles.

6. The old fashioned remedy of a cup of warm milk actually works – even better with raw honey, saffron, nutmeg or poppy seeds.

7. Short naps are beneficial to your health – people who nap reduce their risk of heart disease death by 37%.  Take a couple a week, but not close to bedtime.

8. Take a tip from Indian feng shui expert Michael Mastro and sleep with your head in the south or east.  This can help with blood flow, circulation and digestion.

9. Try hypnotherapy – working with affirmations and gratefulness can help get you in a better place to sleep well every night.

I’d love to chat with you about how to help you sleep better

Give me a call (818-929-4944) or join us any Wednesday on my Hypnotherapy Q & A. Register here:




Here’s exactly what lack of sleep can do to your body.  Lack of Sleep.  Can It Make You Sick?

And another one:  What Not Enough Sleep Does to Your Body, Say Doctors

Pregnancy - Preeclampsia and White Coat Syndrome

It’s 10:00 a.m. on Thursday morning. You are pregnant and on your way to a 24 week checkup with your doctor. Your mood is excited, happy and confident as you muse about cute baby clothes, a name for the baby, shopping for a crib, and taking a healthy baby home from hospital.

One month ago, however, coming home from your 20 week checkup, your mood was much more anxious and distressed. The nurse practitioner had taken your blood pressure and other vitals. The doctor came to talk with you and shared her concern that your blood pressure was higher than normal and you might have preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia or toxemia is a potentially dangerous complication of pregnancy that is usually diagnosed by high blood pressure and water retention.  Your doctor talked about possibly prescribing oral or IV medications and monitoring you more frequently. There was even a possibility that the baby might have to be delivered early.

Back at home you began checking you own blood pressure readings on various days at various times. All your readings were within normal range. Hmmm! Could it be that you have White Coat Syndrome?

Google to the rescue! You learn that White Coat Syndrome means that your blood pressure reads high when taken in the stressful atmosphere of the doctor’s office but routinely reads normal when monitored in the calm environment at home. You also learn that Hypnotherapy can be very effective in training you to better control your blood pressure in anxious, stressful situations.

If you actually have preeclampsia, you should be appropriately treated by your physician. If White Coat Syndrome is triggering high blood pressure at your doctor’s office, hypnotherapy may help you to avoid unneeded medicine and medical interventions in your pregnancy.

In Hypnotherapy, you can gain skills to cope with your stress and anxiety.  You can learn how to anchor the calm and relaxed feeling that you feel in hypnosis to a physical trigger that you can use whenever you need. 

You will discover what you are telling yourself each day about your stress and replace that self-talk with a set of positive affirmations that are authentic and powerful for your particular situation. These affirmations will be embedded in your subconscious mind under hypnosis and you will learn how to reinforce them with daily practice. 

In my practice I have worked with many pregnant women whose doctors were concerned that they may be developing preeclampsia.  These women knew that they had “white coat syndrome.”  They wanted to have their blood pressure reading at the doctor’s office be as low as it was when they were at home.  Working together, we empowered them to approach their doctor visits with calm, relaxed confidence that they could keep their White Coat Syndrome blood pressure readings in the normal range. They did and they each delivered a healthy baby at term. 

For more information about these topics please see: 

Preeclampsia defined:

White-Coat Hypertension and Masked Hypertension:

For a free hypnotherapy consultation you are invited to call 818-929-4944 or join us any Wednesday on my Hypnotherapy Q & A. Register here: 



Extinguish Negative Habits with Help from Hypnotherapy


As we approach the end of 2020, it can be a time to reflect on what you did right this year and what changes you might want to make for 2021.  With the COVID crisis, I think everyone has staying healthy on their mind.  I have had several clients during COVID decide that it was time to quit smoking.  One of them was a 66 year old female client who had been smoking for over 40 years. She was a caregiver for her 2 young grandsons and wanted to stay healthy to be able to keep up with them.  Her husband was having some health issues and she wanted to support him as he worked to stay healthy also.  This is what she wrote: 

After years of smoking cigarettes and attempting to quit on my own, I turned to Cinda Roffman. After three sessions, I conquered this horrible habit with Cinda guiding the way, instilling positive affirmations and insights. Cinda figuratively took me by the hand, and helped me realize I could do this. She is an amazing therapist!

Do you have an addiction or habit that you would like to say goodbye to as 2020 ends?

Whether it is smoking, nail biting, hair pulling or other negative habits, exploring why can be a first step to extinguishing these habitsStress and anxiety can be a contributing factor in these negative habits.  Once we figure out why you are doing them, we can come up with behaviors that will not harm you and provide the same level of comfort.  For example, a warm cup of tea or a brisk walk can do a lot towards relieving the stress that can lead to these behaviors.

Negative habits may have originated as a response to stress or anxiety that you did not know how to cope with. Looking back on their beginnings can be enlightening. Maybe you began to smoke when it was cool and the hip thing to do.  Now we know more about smoking and the many medical problems associated with it.  Knowing that in our conscious mind, however, does not always translate to a change in behavior.  That’s where the subconscious mind comes in. When we convince the subconscious mind that smoking is bad for us also, it makes changing the behavior so much easier.  

We will also write affirmations that you can use to remind yourself of the changes you are making.  “I am a permanent non-smoker.”  “I have beautiful, long nails.”  “My hair is healthy and full.”   These affirmations will reinforce the suggestions made in hypnosis.

We will find your “happy place,” and anchor it to the calm, relaxed feeling you feel in hypnosis.  When you find yourself beginning to do the behavior you are trying to extinguish, you instead focus on feeling calm and relaxed.  Eventually, the behavior will be completely replaced by a feeling of calm.

Wishing you and your family and friends a happy, healthy holiday season!



HypnoNews and Resources

For more ideas about extinguishing negative habits with hypnotherapy, check out these articles:

Help! I'm muted and no one hears me. [Hypnotherapy and At Home Learning]


My granddaughters recently stayed with us for 2 weeks.  I had an up close and real lesson in how hard it is for students, parents and teachers right now. 

My younger granddaughter, who is 7, didn’t really understand the keyboard and each day was a hunt and peck challenge.  One morning, in her first class of the day, she called out three times to respond to her teacher’s question. However, she was on mute and the teacher did not acknowledge her in any way. So she quit and sat through the rest of the lesson, frustrated and alone. Lesson learned? When no one hears you, just give up?

Another morning, when she finally did get online for school, the class session was filled with distractions. The teacher’s kids and dogs would randomly walk through the class, interrupting whatever concentration she might have mustered.

At the same time, her older sister was in another room working on a different schedule. Mom was teaching her classes in yet another room. Grandma and Grandpa were trying to help while maintaining some schedule of their own.  Sis, who is 10, fared a little better with the technology but was still easily distracted by YouTube videos and other things she could stream on a different device. And we had a ratio of 3 adults to 2 kids!  Anyone else feeling our pain? 

So what does this have to do with hypnotherapy?  Hypnotherapy can help you and your home student focus on the task at hand.  As you begin a task, take a deep breath and center yourself:  “Right now, I will only focus on the next 45 minute task or class.”  You will find that you will avoid distractions and work more easily.  Suggest that phrase to your student as well. 

It can be frustrating to be put in the role of teacher while you may be working from home.  This would be a good time to use your anchor, breathing in on a word that describes a positive time or place and breathing out on a word that describes the positive feeling associated with that time or place.  Shallow breathing and unconsciously holding your breath can contribute to stress. Focusing on your breathing can counteract that.

If you find yourself studying or working and teaching from home, you may want support in this crazy time. I am offering a free, online group hypnosis session every other Wednesday at 10 am.  Our next session will be on November 4th.  You can register here:

Sincerely, Cinda