
Part 2: Harnessing the Power of Mindset: Achieving Weight Loss Goals with Hypnotherapy

The first time I tried hypnotherapy, I was desperate.  I had tried everything to lose weight after the birth of my third child.  Nothing worked.  A friend told me about hypnotherapy and I thought, “Why not?”  After explaining about how hypnotherapy worked and asking me about my goals, the kind and gentle hypnotherapist told me to relax in his big, overstuffed recliner.  I don’t remember much else about the session.

When I got home and started to make dinner that night, there was a definite shift in my mindset.  I knew I wanted to eat healthier and wasn’t tempted by the chicken nuggets and grilled cheese I made for the children.  The next morning, I woke up early and got dressed to go walking.  As I was tying my shoes, I realized that there had been a definite shift in my thoughts.  I was hooked.  I continued hypnotherapy for a while, lost 15 lbs. and was healthier all around because of my walking.

Can hypnotherapy help you change your mindset, eating and exercise habits to support reaching your health and weight loss goals? Definitely, that’s what it is all about.

Weight loss goals are among the most common health objectives you may strive to achieve. This segment of the series explores the intricate relationship between mindset and weight loss, and how hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool in supporting you on your weight loss journey.

Understanding Weight Loss Goals:

Weight loss goals vary in nature and scope, ranging from short-term objectives to long-term lifestyle changes. Common reasons for setting weight loss goals include:

  • Health Improvement: You may seek to lose weight to improve overall health, manage chronic conditions like diabetes or hypertension, or reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Appearance Enhancement: Weight loss goals are often motivated by a desire to enhance physical appearance, boost self-esteem, and feel more confident in your body.

  • Fitness and Performance: You may set weight loss goals to enhance athletic performance, increase stamina, or achieve specific fitness milestones.

  • Disease Prevention: Weight loss can play a crucial role in preventing obesity-related health conditions such as joint pain, sleep apnea, and certain cancers.

The Weight Loss Mindset and the Mind-Body Connection:

Your weight loss mindset plays a pivotal role in determining your success in achieving weight loss goals. Through the mind-body connection, your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions (mindset) can either support or hinder progress towards your weight loss objectives. Here are some attitudes/beliefs associated with negative and positive weight loss mindsets:

Negative Weight Loss Mindset:

  • All-or-Nothing Thinking: Believing that any deviation from a strict diet or exercise regimen constitutes failure, leading to feelings of guilt and self-sabotage.

  • Self-Criticism and Shame: Engaging in negative self-talk and self-criticism based on perceived body flaws or past weight loss failures.

  • External Validation: Seeking validation and approval from others based on physical appearance, leading to a reliance on external factors for self-worth.

  • Fear of Failure: Anticipating failure or setbacks before embarking on a weight loss journey, leading to avoidance of challenges and opportunities for growth.

  • Lack of Self-Efficacy: Doubting your ability to make lasting changes and achieve weight loss goals, undermining motivation and commitment.

Positive Weight Loss Mindset:

  • Self-Compassion and Acceptance: Practicing self-compassion and acceptance of your body, embracing the journey towards health and well-being without judgment.

  • Goal Orientation: Focusing on specific, achievable goals and milestones, celebrating your progress rather than fixating on perfection.

  • Intrinsic Motivation: Finding inner motivation and satisfaction in the process of improving health and well-being, independent of external validation.

  • Resilience and Adaptability: Embracing setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth, maintaining a positive outlook in the face of challenges.

  • Self-Efficacy and Empowerment: Cultivating a belief in your ability to make meaningful changes, taking ownership of your health and well-being journey.

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss Mindset Transformation:

Hypnotherapy offers a unique approach to transforming the weight loss mindset, addressing underlying beliefs and emotions that may be impeding progress. Through techniques such as guided imagery, cognitive restructuring, and positive suggestion, hypnotherapy can help you:

  • Overcome limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging thought patterns.

  • Cultivate a positive and empowered mindset towards diet, nutrition, exercise and weight loss.

  • Enhance your motivation and commitment to healthy lifestyle changes.

  • Develop coping strategies for managing cravings, emotional eating, and stress.

  • Establish a supportive internal dialogue and self-care practices to sustain your long-term success.


By harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy empowers you to align your mindset with your weight loss goals, paving the way for sustainable health and well-being.

Working together with your hypnotherapist using proven hypnotherapy techniques in a series of hypnosis and counseling sessions, you can discover/clarify your general physical health mindset and specific beliefs and concerns about your current weight, establish and prioritize your weight loss goals, envision the thoughts, feelings and activities of an updated mindset that supports your goals, craft customized personal affirmations in alignment with your updated weight loss mindset, and  establish a daily affirmations and gratitude practice that reinforces your mindset, celebrates progress and propels you toward successful achievement of our your specific wealth loss goals.

If you are considering working with me as your hypnotherapist, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please call me at 818-929-4944 or go to cindaroffman.com to book a free consultation.

Stay tuned for Part 3: Harnessing the Power of Mindset: Better Sleep with Help from Hypnotherapy, where we shift our focus to the importance of quality sleep in achieving optimal physical health and explore how hypnotherapy can support individuals in overcoming sleep-related challenges. Join us as we delve into the transformative potential of mindset in achieving better sleep with the help of hypnotherapy..



HypnoNews and Resources

For an excellent article about one person’s weight loss journey and her successful experience with hypnotherapy after all else failed to help her reach her goals, please see the following:


Ready-Set-Go: Achieving and Sustaining New Year’s Resolutions With Your Hypnotherapist’s Support

My husband, Burt, was on his daily walk last week. He met a new neighbor, Jack.  They started talking. Burt wished him Happy New Year and asked him if he had any New Year’s resolutions.  Jack replied that he used to think he would be dead by 60. He has already survived cancer, a heart attack and COPD.  Now that he is past that, his resolution for 2024 is to stay healthy and enjoy another year of life.  Burt asked me how I would work with a client presenting with the goals to stay healthy and enjoy life.  I began to think about the New Year and setting goals and achieving them. 

Upcoming throughout January is a four part series that addresses these issues. Beginning with this part 1, the series will cover:

  • Part 1: Readiness: The Gateway to Resolution Success explores the foundational concept of readiness, unveiling the stages theory of change and its pivotal role in initiating and sustaining transformative resolutions.

  • Part 2: Understanding New Year's Resolutions: Crafting Meaningful Goals delves into the intricate world of resolutions, categorizing them, decoding success factors, and providing insights into crafting resolutions that are not only meaningful but also achievable.

  • Part 3: Power of Hypnotherapy: Affirmations and Visualization for Success unlocks the transformative influence of hypnotherapy, positive affirmations, and visualization techniques, offering a dynamic approach to break through mental barriers and reinforce positivity.

  • Part 4: Blueprint for Transformative Resolutions: Achieve and Sustain unveils a comprehensive blueprint for your transformative journey. With a synergy of readiness, SMART goals, hypnotherapy, positive affirmations, and visualization, this blueprint sets the stage for resolutions that endure and flourish.

As we stand on the cusp of a new year, the air is filled with the promise of positive change and personal growth. In this transformative series, you are invited on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, guided by the expertise of a certified professional hypnotherapist.

Please join me and embark on this journey with an open mind and a readiness for positive change. Each installment builds upon the last, guiding you through a transformative journey that transcends mere resolutions—it's about embracing a life of purpose, growth, and fulfillment. Ready, set, go—your transformative journey awaits.


Part 1: Readiness: The Gateway to Resolution Success

As the New Year approaches, the promise of transformation beckons, and the first step on this journey is readiness. We explore the critical role readiness plays in successfully achieving New Year's resolutions, delving into the 5 stage theory of change and how hypnotherapists, with their unique skills, foster the positive mindset essential for success.

The Significance of Readiness: Unlocking the 5 Stage Theory of Change

Readiness is not a singular moment but a dynamic process rooted in the 5 Stage Theory of Change. This theory identifies stages individuals go through when contemplating and making changes in their lives. At its core, the concept of readiness revolves around the acknowledgment that individuals must be prepared, both mentally and emotionally, for meaningful and lasting change.

  1. Precontemplation: At this stage, individuals may not be aware or have not yet acknowledged the need for change. Readiness begins to emerge when there is a subtle recognition of the status quo's limitations.

  2. Contemplation: In this stage, individuals actively consider the need for change but may still grapple with ambivalence. The emergence of readiness is marked by a growing desire to explore possibilities for transformation.

  3. Preparation: Readiness solidifies during the preparation stage. Individuals actively seek information, make plans, and envision the steps required for change. This is a crucial stage where commitment begins to take shape.

  4. Action: The action stage sees the initiation of specific behaviors aimed at achieving the desired change. Readiness is now translated into tangible steps as individuals actively implement their resolutions.

  5. Maintenance: Readiness continues to play a vital role during the maintenance stage. It involves the ongoing commitment and effort required to sustain the changes made, ensuring that they become enduring aspects of one's lifestyle.

 Why Readiness Matters:

The significance of readiness lies in its ability to act as a catalyst for positive change. Research consistently supports the idea that individuals who are psychologically and emotionally prepared for change are more likely to initiate and maintain new behaviors. A study published in the "Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology" found that interventions targeting readiness increased the likelihood of positive outcomes.

The Expertise of Hypnotherapists: Crafting the Foundation for Change

Hypnotherapists bring a specialized set of skills to the table, uniquely positioned to foster the readiness crucial for resolution success.

  1. Building Trust and Rapport: Establishing trust is fundamental. Hypnotherapists create a safe and supportive environment where clients feel comfortable exploring their desires for change.

  2. Active Listening: Through active listening, hypnotherapists tune into the client's narrative, identifying cues that signal readiness. This empathetic connection facilitates the exploration of goals and challenges.

  3. Addressing Limiting Beliefs: Hypnotherapists specialize in identifying and addressing limiting beliefs that may hinder readiness. By delving into the subconscious, they help reshape negative thought patterns, creating a fertile ground for positive change.

  4. Inducing Relaxation and Focus: Hypnotherapy techniques induce a state of deep relaxation, fostering mental clarity and focus. This heightened awareness is pivotal for individuals to navigate through the stages of change with a clear vision of their resolutions.

 How Hypnotherapists Foster Readiness:

Hypnotherapists employ various techniques to foster readiness in their clients, aligning with the principles of the 5 stage theory of change.

  1. Motivational Enhancement: By enhancing motivation, hypnotherapists help clients move from contemplation to preparation. Motivational enhancement techniques include exploring the benefits of change and the consequences of maintaining the status quo.

  2. Visualization and Goal Setting: Utilizing visualization and guided imagery, hypnotherapists help clients vividly imagine their desired outcomes. This process serves as a powerful motivational tool, propelling individuals towards the preparation and action stages.

  3. Positive Affirmations: Introducing positive affirmations during hypnotherapy sessions reinforces readiness by cultivating a positive mindset. Affirmations challenge self-doubt and build confidence, aligning clients with the belief that change is not only possible but within their control.


In this exploration of readiness, we've unveiled the dynamic process embedded in the 5 stage theory of change. Recognizing readiness as a catalyst for positive transformation, we've also explored how hypnotherapists, with their expertise, can play a pivotal role in fostering this crucial mindset. As you embark on your New Year’s Resolution journey, remember that readiness is the key that unlocks the door to lasting change.

Now that we've laid the groundwork for change, join me in Part 2 as we delve into the multifaceted world of New Year's Resolutions, providing insights to help you craft meaningful and achievable goals.

If you are considering working with me as your hypnotherapist, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Go to cindaroffman.com to book a free consult or call me at 818-929-4944



HypnoNews and Resources

For additional perspective on the theory of change, readiness, and why New Year’s Resolutions frequently fail, please see the following:


The Gift of Calm: Hypnotherapy Solutions for Holiday Overwhelm

As the holiday season approaches, the air is filled with excitement, festive decorations, and the promise of joy. However, for many, this time of year can also bring a sense of overwhelming stress and anxiety.

Last year, at the beginning of December, Pauline came to me wanting to lose weight and feel her best at her upcoming family and friends holiday party.  After her first visit we realized that there was more going on.  She was completely overwhelmed with her job, her young daughters, a busy husband and the accumulating pile of social obligations for the holiday season.  The first thing we did was come up with affirmations.  Her first affirmation:  I am my priority.  Since then, many clients have used this affirmation in conjunction with learning to cope with chronic overwhelm.  We also came up with effective strategies to help her manage her overwhelm in the moment

Pauline realized that once she looked at exactly what her priorities were, she was able to let go of the unimportant things in order to have time for the what mattered.  She got help with the girls after school, she no longer left work to take them home.  The au pair got them started with their homework, started dinner and started laundry.  When Pauline got home, she was able to leave work at work and focus on being with her family.  She was finally able to let go of some of the weight because she was no longer so stressed and eating for comfort.

As with everything in hypnotherapy, intention is key in making changes.  Just by understanding overwhelm, coming up with strategies to deal with it and utilizing hypnotherapy, holiday calm is possible.  I’ve also included some tips for successfully surviving holiday eating challenges (with thanks to Dr. Gail Jackson).

Understanding Holiday Overwhelm

Holiday overwhelm is more than just a fleeting feeling of stress. It's a complex interplay of emotional, social, and personal factors that can dampen the joyous spirit of the season. From the pressure of social obligations to the hustle and bustle of shopping, the sources of overwhelm are diverse and can impact individuals differently.

What Causes Overwhelm?

  1. Social Expectations: The desire to meet societal expectations and create the perfect holiday experience can lead to overwhelming stress.

  2. Time Constraints: Balancing work, family, and social commitments during a condensed holiday season can contribute to a feeling of being stretched too thin.

  3. Financial Pressures: Gift-giving, travel, and hosting expenses can strain budgets, adding an extra layer of stress.

  4. Emotional Triggers: Past holiday experiences or family dynamics can evoke strong emotions, contributing to overwhelm.

  5. Perfectionism: Striving for perfection in decorations, meals, and events can create unattainable standards, and consequently, stress.

When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed

You might experience holiday season overwhelm in a chronic form that seems to go on for days on end. You might also feel overwhelmed in the moment or in specific situations. Here are some practical strategies you can use your self during the holiday season to cope with overwhelm in the moment.

  1. Take time out to breathe and refocus

  2. Get a change of scenery

  3. Go for a short walk

  4. Change your self-talk to positive statements and expectations

  5. Take care of yourself first

  6. Let go of things that don’t matter

  7. Share your feelings with a friend, family member, or colleague to gain support

  8. Avoid alcohol, drugs and junk food which are known contributors to depression

How Hypnotherapy Can Help    

Hypnotherapy provides a unique and effective approach to managing holiday season overwhelm.  By tapping into the power of the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can address the root causes of stress, reframe negative thought patterns, and promote a sense of calm and balance.

  1. Stress Reduction: Hypnotherapy techniques such as progressive relaxation and guided imagery can induce a deep state of relaxation, helping individuals manage stress more effectively.

  2. Cognitive Restructuring: Hypnotherapy can challenge and reframe negative thought patterns, promoting a more positive and realistic mindset.

  3. Time Management: Hypnotherapy can assist in improving time management skills, enabling individuals to prioritize tasks and create a more balanced holiday schedule.

The Role of Gratitude

Cultivating gratitude is a powerful antidote to overwhelm. Amidst the chaos, taking time to reflect on the positive aspects of the season can shift the focus from stressors to the blessings that surround us. Hypnotherapy sessions can incorporate gratitude exercises, fostering a mindset of appreciation and reducing the impact of stressors.

Fostering a Positive Mindset

A positive mindset during the holidays involves:

  1. Realistic Expectations: Accepting that perfection is unattainable and embracing the imperfect beauty of the season.

  2. Mindful Presence: Being present in the moment, savoring the joy of shared experiences, and letting go of worries about the past or future.

  3. Self-Compassion: Treating oneself with kindness and understanding, acknowledging that it's okay not to do everything perfectly.

  4. Healthy Boundaries: Setting boundaries to protect personal time and well-being, ensuring a more balanced and enjoyable holiday season.

Holiday Party Eating Tips

  1. Eat small meals throughout the day and before attending a holiday gathering

  2. Drink 1 glass of water for every alcoholic drink 

  3. ALWAYS leave something on your plate…..The clean plate club is no more!

  4. Use the smallest plate available for your nibbles


This holiday season, consider giving yourself the gift of calm. Through hypnotherapy, you can transform the way you experience the holidays, managing overwhelm, and fostering a positive mindset. Embrace the joy of the season, cultivate gratitude, and let the gift of calm be your guide to a more meaningful and fulfilling holiday celebration.

If you or someone you know is feeling the weight of holiday season overwhelm, consider hypnotherapy and the transformative power of your subconscious mind to help you through the holidays and beyond. 

I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please go to cindaroffman.com to book a free consult or call me at 818-929-4944



HypnoNews and Resources

Modern brain research has led to the creation of a new field known as neuropsychology and therapists known as neurodivergent therapists. For a neurodivergent therapist’s enlightening perspective on coping with holiday season overwhelm, please see the following:


For up to date statistics on the prevalence and distribution of holiday season stress in America please see the following:


Breaking Through Writer's Block with Hypnotherapy

I often work with creative professionals in various disciplines including writers. A common issue that writers face is writer's block. Whether you're an author, a journalist, a content creator, or a student, finding yourself in the clutches of writer's block it can be frustrating and discouraging.

One of my clients was a very successful author in her genre.  This enabled her to move to her dream home in Westlake Village.  Once she arrived, however, she found herself unable to complete her next novel.  She came to me in desperation, her publisher was impatient for her next bestseller.  We looked at what was going on and she realized that she had not even set up her desk to write.  I encouraged her to organize her space so that she could write when she was ready.  We came up with a set of affirmations that she focused on daily.   In hypnotherapy, she visualized writing and completing her book.  After a few sessions, she was good to go and completed her novel.

Understanding Writer's Block

Writer's block is a condition where individuals experience an obstacle in generating new ideas or expressing themselves in writing. It can present or be experienced as

  • Inability to start writing

  • Feeling creatively stagnant, having no ideas

  • Stuck on a paragraph or section

  • Stuck in the edit/rewrite process

  • Struggling to complete a writing project or assignment

Causes of Writer's Block include

  • Fears of exposure, criticism, rejection, repeating past failure, success

  • Stress, external pressures and deadlines

  • Anxiety and self-doubt

  • Unproductive habits like procrastination, perfectionism, or excessive self-criticism

  • Lack of inspiration or motivation

  • Physiological distractors or inhibitors (pain, illness)

  • Lack of necessary skills, tools, or training

How Hypnotherapy Can Help

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that aims to access the subconscious mind, which often holds the key to resolving deep-seated issues. Through hypnosis, individuals can achieve a state of heightened focus and relaxation, making it easier to bypass the conscious mind's barriers and connect with their inner creativity.

Here's how hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for overcoming writer's block:

1. Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Hypnotherapy is excellent for addressing the emotional factors that contribute to writer's block, such as fear, anxiety and self-doubt. By inducing a deep state of relaxation, hypnosis can help you manage stress and build self-confidence, making it easier to approach your writing with a clear mind.

2. Breaking Through Mental Barriers

Through guided imagery and suggestion, anchoring, and affirmations practices, I can help you identify and confront the mental blocks that are preventing you from writing. This process allows you to reframe your thoughts and beliefs, replacing self-limiting beliefs with positive and productive ones.

3. Changing Unproductive Habits

Procrastination and perfectionism are habits which our subconscious mind uses to protect us from fears and threats, real or imagined. When it comes to writing these habits can block you from getting started or painfully delay your progress. Hypnotherapy is a proven tool for helping you to change unproductive habits that you want to change.

4. Boosting Creativity and Inspiration

Hypnotherapy can stimulate your creativity by helping you access the vast reservoir of ideas and experiences stored in your subconscious. This can lead to a surge of inspiration, allowing you to break free from your creative rut.

5. Improving Concentration and Focus

Enhanced concentration and focus are essential for productive writing. Hypnotherapy can teach you techniques (exercise, adjusting writing environment, sleep rhythm, free writing, journaling) to sharpen your mind and eliminate distractions, helping you maintain your creative flow.

In Summary

When you can’t get words on paper, your subconscious mind may be creating obstacles to block your writing  in one way or another. Writer's block doesn't have to be a permanent obstacle. Hypnotherapy, with its ability to tap into the subconscious mind and address the underlying causes of writer's block, offers a promising solution. With the power of your own mind, you can break free from the chains of writer's block and experience the joy of expressing your thoughts and ideas freely. Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective approach to help you unlock your creative potential and overcome the barriers that stand between you and your writing goals.

If you're struggling with writer's block, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please go to cindaroffman.com to book a free consult or call me at 818-929-4944.



HypnoNews and Resources

For additional information and advice on writer’s block and how to overcome it, here are two articles that may be of interest.



Just 1 MORE Thing: Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss in the Home Stretch

Last month we talked about what 1 thing might be holding you back or keeping you from living your best life.  For many, it can be those stubborn 10 – 15 pounds that you just can’t lose.  You may have had great success with a weight management program, Weight Watchers, Lindora or any of the others out there but there are still those stubborn last few pounds. 

Every year I help clients who had been very successful in losing a large amount of weight but found themselves stuck, making no further progress, as they entered the home stretch toward their final goal.

One client had a trip of a lifetime planned and wanted to be at her goal weight for purchasing clothes and supplies for the trip. Here is how she described her challenge in our initial session. “Through diets and exercising I have lost about 30 pounds over the past 10 months. I’m about 12 pounds away from my final goal but I’ve stopped making progress. I’m not gaining, but not losing, just bouncing   between 145 and 142. I know that I have lost almost all the weight I set out to lose. I feel like I deserve a reward for that. Also, I’m having trouble accepting when I’m satisfied.

After listening to her weight loss journey, we came up with a strategy – what specific actions could she take to get off those stubborn 12 pounds.  She decided to decrease her caloric intake by reducing her portions.  She already knew what to eat, she just needed to eat less of it.  She increased her outdoor activity, not being near food makes it harder to snack.   We then came up with a set of affirmations that could help her get across that finish line.  Her first one?  “I weigh 130 pounds.”   We also included affirmations about moving more outside and eating less.  It’s important to state clearly what your goals are.  I gave her a copy of her hypnosis session so that she could listen to it for added motivation whenever she wanted.

After working together, those pounds came off and she was able to keep them off.  She had a great trip and continues to successfully maintain her goal weight.

Hypnotherapy can help in the final stretch of weight loss.

If you are stuck in the home stretch toward your weight loss goal and you would like to explore how Hypnotherapy may help, please go to cindaroffman.com to book a free consult or give me a call at 818-929-4944.



Something Different This Year. Holiday Gift Giving. Where to Start?

As the holiday gift giving season approaches, my thoughts turn to what are the best gifts to give to family and friends.  The usual platitudes float through my head – It is better to give than receive, it doesn’t matter what you spend as long as the gift is personal and the best gifts are from the heart.

I’d like to propose something different this year.  Start with yourself.  What gift could your give yourself that would really make a difference in your life?  It could be as simple as treating yourself to Starbucks or getting a mani/pedi.  The important thing is how it makes you feel. It could be something big as well, planning that trip you’ve wanted to do for so long or buying that one piece of furniture you’ve been longing for.  It could also be something less concrete – taking yourself on a spa day or signing up for a self-improvement class.  

What’s my special gift to myself?  Calling the plumber and getting my bathroom sink fixed so it drains properly.  It frustrates me every time I use it and I want to release that negative energy.  We can let ourselves get caught up in negative trivia when it may be very simple to fix the problem.

The point of starting with yourself is that then you will have more to give to others. Your energy level .will be higher and more positive.  It may be easier to find that special gift for someone.  You might chat with your friends and decide you would rather spend time together doing a fun activity than giving each other gifts this year. 

This year before you get into the hustle and bustle of shopping, wrapping and making yourself crazy, take a moment and think about what you really want.

As always, if I can be of help, please don’t hesitate to reach out. (818-929-4944)

This holiday season, may you be blessed with time to cherish loved ones, joyous melodies to dance to, lyrics of hope to sing, and the courage to move forward into the new year with confidence and clear purpose.



HypnoNews and Resources

Starting with yourself is labeled by various writers and researchers as a form of Self-Giving. For some added perspective on benefits of Self-Giving and Self-Care you might appreciate the following articles:



For a fascinating look at the neurologic and psychological benefits of generosity to others this article describes what studies of generosity in the human brain are revealing:


Five Suggestions for Practical Ways to Be Grateful

A very Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you.  I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for our connection and how very much I appreciate that you have allowed me to join you on your journey to better health.  Please enjoy the day with your friends and family and consider carrying the practice of gratitude with you throughout the coming year.

Five Suggestions for Practical Ways to Be Grateful

Choose Gratitude

Gratitude is a choice. It's not automatic. So, choose to recognize when you feel appreciation, thankfulness, and gratitude. And remember, embracing feelings of gratitude can be good. But choosing to express that gratitude can be FAR better.

Make Time for Gratitude

Daily gratitude won't happen if you don't make time for it. Reserve a few minutes at the beginning or end of your day to reflect on what you're thankful for that day. Then, find some small way to show your appreciation, even if you're the only one who sees it.

Write a Gratitude List

Writing down what you're thankful for means taking stock of the good things in your life. Whether or not you share that list with anyone, writing it lets you see many things that bring you joy all at once. That gives you perspective and makes it easier to embrace gratitude every day.

Write Gratitude Notes

Gratitude notes don't have to be elaborate or super formal. Just take a few minutes and write about how you appreciate someone or what they did for you. Whether that's on a sticky note, in an email, or in a card, it can brighten your day and someone else's.

Pay It Forward

Do someone a favor or give to a cause you care about. Giving back and supporting what brings you joy can be deeply meaningful.

May you and yours be blessed with a day of peace, joy, and grateful connections



The Last Resort Zone - A Habit Cough or Somatic Cough Syndrome Story

Clients say all kinds of things when they first come to see me seeking help with a challenge they are experiencing or a change they want to make:

“I haven’t been able to get a good night’s sleep for years.”

“I just want to be free of the chains of smoking.”

“I’m so anxious since Covid, I can’t drive on the freeways.”

One of my favorite comments is, “I’ve tried everything else, doctors, therapists, acupuncture, reiki, TV remedies, you are my LAST RESORT.”

I had a client like this a few months ago.  He had had a cough for over twenty years and he had tried everything, including most recently, the Mayo Clinic.  He had entered what I call the LAST RESORT ZONE. His cough was serious, it seemed to start at the bottom of his chest and come all the way up.  He would have to pause, take a few minutes and have something to drink to calm down the cough.

Along the way, he had learned all about coughing.  In the medical / psychology literature, the terms Habit Cough or Psychogenic Cough have been in use since at least 2004. More recently (2015) the term Somatic Cough Syndrome was introduced. Some common causes of coughs include:

  • upper respiratory infections

  • asthma

  • allergies

  • post nasal drip

  • pneumonia

  • pollution

Testing can confirm or rule out these causes. However, when testing does not confirm an underlying cause, Habit Cough might be the diagnosis by exclusion.

In our first session we reviewed his history of tests and attempts to resolve the coughing; I explained how hypnotherapy works; we came up with a set of affirmations for him; we established an anchor he could use when he felt the urge to cough and I hypnotized him.

He came in for his next session a few weeks later, very surprised. His cough was gone. Gone!

Three key take-aways from this story:

  • When medical diagnostic testing has ruled out underlying causes for a recurring physical symptom like a cough or stomach ache, the symptom may have become a subconsciously triggered habitual behavior for you

  • Evidence based research has shown that hypnotherapy can often help to improve or even fully resolve such habits

  • While it is recommended that other types and causes of coughs be ruled out first by appropriate testing, you don’t necessarily have to enter the LAST RESORT ZONE before you give hypnotherapy a try.

Is there something you have been struggling with and have not been able to take care of with traditional methods or therapies?  Why not give hypnotherapy a chance?

Sound interesting? Give me a call 818-929-4944 to set up a session or join my free Hypnotherapy Q & A every Wednesday at 10 am PST.

You can register here.




HypnoNews and Resources

For more information, please refer to the following excellent articles covering the history, research, diagnosis and treatment of Habit Cough, Psychogenic Cough and Somatic Cough Syndrome.

 How do you treat habit cough with hypnosis


Somatic cough syndrome or psychogenic cough – what is the difference?


Management and Diagnosis of Psychogenic Cough Habit Cough and Tic Cough


How Hypnotherapy Can Help with Substance Dependency

My flight home from Dallas was delayed due to an incoming tornado, so I decided to get a glass of wine in the bar. The first fun thing that happened was that I was asked for my ID.  I am way older than 21 but it sure felt good! 

Then, the gentleman sitting next to me started a conversation.  We started with the weather and then he joked, “Kinda funny, I’m sitting here with a beer and a whisky waiting for my plane to rehab.”  I must admit I was a little surprised but they had told him that whatever it took for him to get on the plane was fine, as long as he made it to rehab. 

He easily shared a little about his life. He had been drinking heavily for 34 years. He had 2 granddaughters, 1 and 3, and said he wanted to live to see them go to prom. When he talked to his family about stopping drinking, they were ALL quick to encourage him.   He had some doubts he could make it through rehab. I kept telling him I know you can do this. That seemed to help. I hope he makes it.

While substance abuse is out of scope for my work in hypnotherapy with clients, I can help with changing mindsets – encouraging clients on their rehab journey.  Affirmations can be a great help in changing your mind about who you are with and without substances.      

If you are dependent on addictive substances to help you relax or enjoy life, you may have a problem.  Along with your treatment, hypnotherapy can provide alternative ways of coping, feeling better about yourself in social situations and dealing with difficult situations.

Using addictive substances can also be an attempt to cope with a traumatic event in your life.  Again, hypnotherapy can provide another way of viewing that event, making it less impactful on your daily life.

I also encourage weight loss clients to carefully monitor their alcohol intake.  Alcohol consists of empty calories and can reduce your willpower when watching what you eat.

If you would like to discuss how hypnotherapy might be helpful on your journey, please reach out. Call for a free consultation (818-929-4944) or join my free Hypnotherapy Q & A every Wednesday at 10 am PST.

You can register here.




HypnoNews and Resources

Here are some articles with more information:

What to Know About Hypnosis for Alcoholism


Hypnosis Won’t Make You Stop Drinking Overnight, but It May Help


How Does Hypnotherapy Help With Sustainable Weight Loss

I first learned about hypnotherapy many years ago when I was struggling to lose weight after 3 pregnancies.  It really helped me change my view toward exercise and drinking alcohol. After being hypnotized I did not have my usual glass of wine with dinner.  The next morning I got up and put on my walking shoes and went for a walk!  Neither of those things was my usual habit.  I was sold.  Hypnotherapy could make it easier for me to achieve the goals I set out for myself in weight loss.

Fast forward many years and I am now a hypnotherapist, helping others lose weight.  How do I do that? I help my clients identify their goals and explore what plan works best for them.  I am familiar with many weight loss plans and my clients usually are too.  We then decide on a plan and a timeline.  We work together to set up affirmations that will help them achieve their goals.

I usually suggest that one of their affirmations is their goal weight.  Sometimes our brain isn’t comfortable with a new number and wants to keep us at the higher number.  When the goal number is kept in focus it can make it easier for our mind to accept that new number.

Another affirmation can center around what specific plan the client will use:  “I follow Weight Watchers Personal Points” or “I follow the 28 Day Keto Plan.”

And of course movement is very important.  Having an affirmation about going to the gym, walking 3 times a week or playing tennis is a daily reminder of what the client has committed to.

Let’s not forget about sleep…  Research has shown that sleep in crucial in maintaining a healthy weight
“I get 8 hours of sleep every night” is a great affirmation for us all. 

If weight loss/weight management is of concern to you, please give me a call for a free consultation (818-929-4944) or join my free Hypnotherapy Q & A every Wednesday at 10 am PST.

You can register here.




HypnoNews and Resources

Here are some articles with more information:

Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss:  Does It Work?


What is Hypnosis for Weight Loss and Does It Work?



Five Practices to Bring More Gratitude into Your LIfe

November is national Gratitude Month. It culminates in the Thanksgiving Day holiday when American families and friends typically gather for a festive meal and maybe some conversation about people and things in their lives for which they are grateful.

In my book, The Power in Affirmations, I include matching gratitude pages for each affirmation page to support an integrated daily practice. When we talk about using the journal some clients report that they already keep a gratitude journal. Other clients talk about difficulty expressing gratitude or feeling very little gratitude in their lives.

If you see yourself in the second group, the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday might be a strong source of stress and anxiety. Here are 5 practices that you can use to help you with expressing gratitude and bringing more gratitude into your life.

 1.      Begin writing in a gratitude journal as a daily practice.  I suggest writing the things you are grateful at the end of each day along with your affirmations.  If you need a copy of my book/journal, please let me know.

2.      Make it a priority to write and send thank you notes anytime you receive a gift or kindness from friends, family members, or co-workers.  It is amazing how appreciative people are of written thank you notes.  Make a positive impression while you show how much you appreciate the gift.

3.      Set up and use a thank you jar.  Keep a jar or box with slips of paper and pen to easily jot down what you are grateful for each day.  Once in a while, read your slips to  remind yourself how great your life is.

4.      Identify a person in your life who has never been properly thanked for what they have done for you over the years. Write a full page letter of appreciation and deliver it personally to that person.  I’m sure they will be very happy to know they mattered in your life.

5.      Find a prayer of gratitude that you are comfortable with and use it as part of your daily practice to start or end each day. 

Is gratitude a concern of yours?  I’d be happy to help you get on track toward a grateful and happy life. Please give me a call (818-929-4944) or join us any Wednesday on my Hypnotherapy Q and A. You can register here..


Enjoy Thanksgiving.



HypnoNews and Resources

For an outstanding, comprehensive article covering what is gratitude, origins of gratitude, individual and social benefits of gratitude, gratitude interventions and more, please see the following:


You might also want to read this fascinating and informative article which covers how gratitude works and the neuroscience of gratitude as it may relate to anxiety, stress, grief and other conditions.


Pre- and Post-Surgery Hypnosis

“Patients who utilize hypnotherapy before a surgical procedure are doing both themselves and their doctors a favor,”explains Pierre-Etienne Vannier, MSc, CHt, a French-born mind-body practitioner.  “’Before’ is a really important step because, when you're able to reduce anxiety and tension, you help your body be ready for the procedure. When you have a more regulated nervous system, it makes the work much easier for everybody.”

After experiencing pain in my thumbs that made me cry each day after work, I had surgery to fix the severe arthritis.  Before each surgery, I envisioned the surgery successfully alleviating the pain.  As I went under anesthesia, I went to my special place to become extra calm and relaxed.  The doctor was impressed with how quickly my thumbs healed each time.  Since the surgeries I have been completely pain free and have been able to resume my hobbies of knitting and crocheting.  (Last year I made over 25 scarves and hats for the homeless.)

“It’s very empowering for people to be able to be in control of their pain and recovery,” Vannier says. Feeling empowered improves healing. Carol Ginandes, PhD, a Harvard psychologist and researcher, has been studying the effects of hypnotherapy on healing for decades. In 1999, she and Daniel Rosenthal, MD, a Harvard radiologist, showed that ankle fracture patients who practiced hypnotherapy showed improvement in healing, as evidenced by medical imaging, when compared to patients who did not use hypnotherapy. The patients had quicker recovery times, greater mobility, and less pain, and therefore needed less pain medication.

I also had debilitating pain in both shoulders. I could not get dressed easily.  Exercising and moving my shoulders was very difficult and painful.  When I finally had surgery on them, whenever I felt discomfort, I sent healing light and additional blood flow to that area with my mind.  My doctors expressed surprise as they told me I was healing faster than they expected.  My mobility was much better than earlier anticipated.

Post-surgery can be a good time to pamper yourself.  Getting enough rest, eating and drinking fluids help the healing process. Let others help you.

Wouldn’t you rather heal more quickly and have better results?  If you have a surgery in your future, you can consider pre and post-surgery hypnotherapy to help you reduce anxiety and tension and achieve faster healing. Please give me a call (818-929-4944) or join us any Wednesday on my Hypnotherapy Q and A. You can register here..





For more information on surgery and hypnosis, here are two articles:



Hypno-Desensitization - Coping with Out of Control Anxiety

Madeline’s husband loved to play golf and was excited to play Pebble Beach with an old college buddy. She wanted to make the road trip with him to Monterey (400 miles in 7 hours) but she felt scared, unsafe and out of control when he was driving. Around town together, she usually did the driving to avoid these fears. This trip was too long for her to use that coping technique and just thinking about it was making her so anxious that she was considering not going. How might I help her?

Hypno-Desensitization or Hypnotherapy facilitated Systematic Desensitization is an integrated method that combines the power of hypnosis and the proven behavioral therapy technique of Systematic Desensitization. It can empower you to manage, reduce and overcome a wide variety of specific, situational fears and the anxiety you experience in those situations.

In our first session together, we used hypnosis to help Madeline achieve a state of deep relaxation and I gave her an anchor.  An anchor is two words that “anchor” in the positive, relaxed feeling she felt in hypnosis.  She could close her eyes (as long as he was driving) and breathe in as she said “Beach” and breathe out as she said “Happy,” the two words that described her special happy place and the positive feeling it gave her. 

Next, I used systematic desensitization to help her let go of the feelings of being out of control and the anxiety that she felt when her husband was driving. She replaced the anxiety with the happy, positive feelings she feels at the beach.  In hypnosis, I reminded her that while the brain is a wonderful, complex organ, it can only have one thought at a time.  I encouraged her to get in touch with the feelings of being out of control while he was driving and then let those feelings pass and replace them with her feeling of being happy at the beach.  We did this several times until she was no longer able to access those feelings of being out of control.  This is systematic desensitization – replacing those negative feelings with a positive feeling of your special place. 

After a few sessions Madeline was able to go with her husband cheerfully to Monterey.  He thoroughly enjoyed his golf game.  She enjoyed the beach in Monterey very much and now uses it as a new anchor whenever she and her husband head out on a road trip.

Used in conjunction with Hypnotherapy, I find Systematic Desensitization very effective in empowering clients to manage and overcome unwanted fears and associated anxiety that limit their enjoyment of life.

Some common fears:

  • Fear of Flying

  • Fear of Public Speaking

  • Fear of Driving

If this is something of interest to you, please give me a call (818-929-4944) or join us any Wednesday on my Hypnotherapy Q and A. You can register here..




HypnoNews and Resources

Here are 4 articles that go into more depth on fears and phobias and how they can be treated with Hypno-Desensitization.





Unwanted Food Cravings - Emotional Freedom Technique - Healthy Weight Management

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Rachel had always fought to keep her weight under control. After years of yo-yo dieting her frustration level was higher than ever when she finally sought help from a therapist. Asked what she saw as her biggest challenge, she responded Anything Chocolate! She felt that her craving for chocolate was a 10 on a scale of 1-10.

As part of a hypnotherapy guided weight management program, she learned and experienced EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique or tapping) to eliminate her craving for chocolate. After one session she found that chocolate no longer held any special allure for her. With her chocolate craving eliminated, she began shedding unwanted weight and reached her healthy weight goal several months later.

Compared to a normal, non-specific  feeling of hunger (‘I need to eat something soon’), a food craving is usually defined as a strong, immediate urge to eat a specific food (‘I need my chocolate bar now’).

Your craving may come to mind seemingly out of the blue or it may be triggered by a variety of physical or mental/emotional factors. Emotions are one of the biggest contributing factors to specific food cravings.

If a specific craving is making it difficult for you to achieve and maintain your healthy weight goal, your craving may be mainly triggered by negative emotional factors such as

  • chronic stress

  • anxiety

  • frustration

  • anger

  • sadness

When a craving arises you have a few basic responses you might choose from:

  • Indulge in the craving (eat your favorite chocolate bar that you always carry with you or stock in the pantry at home)

  • Eat a healthy snack ‘instead’ (and wait for the craving to pass)

  • Distract yourself with some other non-eating physical or mental activities and let the craving dissipate (but no guarantees on when and how often it will come back)

Cravings are usually ‘satisfied’, one way or the other, in 10 to 20 minutes. However, research tells us that

  • Regularly choosing the indulge response can have negative short term and long term consequences for your heath and weight goals

  • The healthy snack and distraction responses both require constant disciplined effort to follow and can be frustrating and exhausting in themselves

Wouldn’t it be exciting if you could learn a way to seriously reduce the intensity and how often a craving comes up and even prevent it from arising in the first place?

You can!

If you want to reduce or prevent cravings for specific unhealthy foods, a trained  EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner can help you with that goal.

What is EFT? 

EFT is a proven, evidence based therapy technique that involves concurrently

  • tapping on certain meridians, or energy pathways of the body

  • acknowledging and accepting the craving

  • affirming your self-acceptance and self-worth

EFT can be used for changing habits, weight loss, sports performance, eliminating fears, and changing negative thought patterns.

When I teach this technique to my clients, I tap along with them.  We say together the issue we are trying to change or correct while tapping at specific points on the face and upper body.

Used in conjunction with a hypnotherapy guided weight management program, I find EFT very effective in helping clients to control their cravings and reach their healthy weight management goals.

If this is something of interest to you, please give me a call (818-929-4944) or join us any Wednesday on my Hypnotherapy Q & A. Register here: 




For an in depth review of the uses and effectiveness of EFT please see the following article:

Clinical EFT as an Evidence-Based Practice for the Treatment of Psychological and Physiological Conditions


For a good overview of methods to help you manage food cravings in general, please see the following:

How do you manage food cravings?


How to Choose the Right Hypnotherapist For You

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As part of my training to become a hypnotherapist, I had to choose a mentor.  All the teachers at HMI were available as mentors, it was part of their job as teachers.  I took a while to decide.   When I finally did, I chose Cheryl because she was the teacher I could most closely relate to.  We are about the same age, she had had another career before becoming a hypnotherapist and she genuinely liked helping others.  I liked how she treated her students, her calm, gentle manner was very inviting.

Personal transformation is a common goal these days.  Changing what you think and what you do can bring about transformation.  Sounds simple but it is not that easy to achieve.  A hypnotherapist can help by accessing your subconscious mind (80% of your mind) and helping you to focus it on your conscious goals.  This makes achieving those goals much easier.          

How do you choose the best hypnotherapist for you?  Here some items to consider:

  • Where did they go to school? How long was the training?

There are many “hypnotherapy schools” some offering a certificate in as short a time as a weekend. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, where I went to school is a yearlong program with almost 800 instructional hours, including an internship program.  It includes classes on counselling as well as an introduction to many different modalities.

  • What additional training do they have?

I am trained and certified in many different techniques and areas:  Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Therapeutic Imagery, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Weight Management, Coping with Loss, Hypnotherapy for Clients with Cancer, Preparing for Surgery, PTSD, Sports Performance, Fears and Anxieties, Smoking Cessation, and Hypnosis and the Special Needs Child.

  • What is their certification? 

I am a certified hypnotherapist, certified by Hypnotherapist Union of the AFL/CIO #472.  I am on the board of the Union and we are very careful to only certify hypnotherapists who have extensive training.  We have a code of ethics and continuing education requirements.

  • What is their specialty?

While I do see clients for a variety of issues, I specialize in weight management, anxiety, insomnia, test preparation and sports performance.

  • How are they rated on Yelp, Google and LinkedIn? 

Ratings can be an important tool with objective ways to rate performance. 

  • What is their website like? Does it include testimonials, areas of experience and a blog?

Again, one more tool to help you understand more about the person you are choosing.

  • Do they offer a free consultation?

Choosing a hypnotherapist is a very personal decision.  Getting the chance to know, like and trust them before engaging with them is important.  You want to be able to relate to the person you will be working with.  Are they able to listen and really hear what you are saying?

If you would like to talk about working together, call now to arrange for a free, private, online video consultation - 818-929-4944.

Sleepless in Socal - Pandemic Insomnia


She was going to school full-time, working full-time and was a single mom to 2 toddlers. She very carefully trained herself to get by on 2-3 hours of sleep per night. She was constantly in a state of stress and anxiety.

Eventually, she finished her degree, got a better job, and met a great guy.  Now she had time to sleep, but she was so well trained, she could only sleep 2-3 hours a night.  She wanted to be more rested, calm and relaxed. We worked on her bedtime ritual, adjusted her sleep environment so she was sleeping in a dark, quiet place. Soon she began enjoying a peaceful, refreshing, full night’s sleep on the same schedule as her family.

We are all under a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety during this pandemic. One of the best ways to counteract all that negativity is to take care of yourself. That begins with getting a good night’s sleep. Ever notice how everything looks better in the morning? That’s because your body and mind are more rested. With a good night’s sleep, your individual cells get rejuvenated and your conscious mind gets cleared. This can be compared to a computer re-boot – a necessary task to help your computer run better
and faster.

So what can you do if you have trouble getting a good 8 hours of sleep
every night? 

  • Be consistent – start your bedtime ritual at the same time every night, do the same things and get into bed at the same time.  Your mind and body can be trained to expect sleep at the same time every night and you will sleep better and easier.

  • Sleep in a cool dark room.  Limit outside light and computer light.  An eye mask can be a lifesaver.

  • Limit caffeine and alcohol to 2 hours before bed. Stop drinking caffeinated beverages 6-8 hours before bed. While alcohol appears to relax you for a while, it causes stimulation after the first hour and this can interfere with good sleep.

  • Limit eating to 2 hours prior to bed. If your stomach is digesting food, it is not ready for good sleep. 

  • Keep electronics out of the bedroom. TV and computers should be off or in a different room while you are sleeping. Your bed should be for sleeping (and related activities) only. It’s probably OK to be unplugged for 8 hours each night.

These suggestions may help you improve your sleep. Many clients are also helped through hypnotherapy. I am ready to work with you online. You can reach out today.