
Part 4: Harnessing the Power of Mindset: Stop Smoking Now with Help from Hypnotherapy

In 2021 the doctor told Karen’s husband that if he wanted to live for a few more years, he had to make some significant changes in his eating and lifestyle.  That was all Karen needed to hear.  She revamped their eating, changing to homecooked, organic ingredient meals.  They started walking every night.  There was only one more hurdle – she had been a heavy smoker for 35 years.  She had tried to quite smoking before, she wanted to be a good example for her grandsons whom she watched 3 days a week.  She called me, explained the situation and asked if I could help.  Absolutely, I said and we started to work on her smoking.  I used the 3 session protocol I always use:  #1 Get ready to quit and pick a quit date, #2 Quit and #3 Seal in that she will never smoke again. I am happy to report that after three years, Karen is still smoke-free.

This final installment of the mindset series explores the transformative journey of smoking cessation and how hypnotherapy can provide invaluable support in breaking free from nicotine addiction.

Understanding Smoking Cessation Goals: Smoking cessation goals are centered around ending the harmful habit of tobacco use and achieving lasting freedom from nicotine addiction. The most common reasons that people cite to stop smoking include:

  1. Health Improvement: Quitting smoking is one of the most significant steps you can take to improve your health and reduce the risk of smoking-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and respiratory conditions.

  2. Enhanced Quality of Life: Breaking free from nicotine addiction can lead to improvements in physical fitness, energy levels, and overall well-being, enhancing your quality of life and longevity.

  3. Financial Savings: Smoking cessation can result in substantial financial savings over time, as you no longer need to spend money on cigarettes or related healthcare costs.

  4. Improved Social Relationships: Quitting smoking can lead to improved social interactions and relationships, as you no longer have to worry about the social stigma associated with smoking or exposing others to secondhand smoke.

  5. Role Modeling for Others: Quitting smoking can serve as a positive example for friends, family members, and loved ones, inspiring them to prioritize their health and well-being.

The Smoking Cessation Mindset and the Mind-Body Connection:

Your mindset plays a crucial role in your ability to successfully quit smoking and maintain abstinence long-term. Through the mind-body connection, your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can either support or hinder progress towards your smoking cessation goal. Here are the characteristic attitudes/beliefs associated with negative and positive smoking cessation mindsets:

Negative Smoking Cessation Mindset:

  1. Fear of Withdrawal Symptoms: Anticipating withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, irritability, and anxiety, leading to avoidance of quitting or relapse.

  2. Self-Doubt and Lack of Confidence: Doubting your ability to quit smoking successfully or maintain abstinence long-term, leading to self-sabotage and relapse.

  3. Identification with Smoking Identity: Viewing smoking as an integral part of your identity or coping mechanism, making it challenging to envision life without cigarettes.

  4. Negative Self-Talk: Engaging in negative self-talk or self-criticism related to past quit attempts or perceived lack of willpower, undermining motivation and resilience.

  5. Social and Environmental Triggers: You feel triggered to smoke in social situations or environments associated with smoking, increasing your vulnerability to relapse.

Positive Smoking Cessation Mindset:

  1. Commitment to Health and Well-Being:  You prioritize your health and well-being as primary motivators for quitting smoking and you embrace a proactive approach to self-care and longevity.

  2. Belief in Personal Agency: Believing in your ability to quit smoking successfully and overcome challenges fosters confidence and determination.

  3. Reframing Smoking Narratives: You challenge the narrative that smoking is pleasurable or beneficial and understand that cigarettes are toxic substances that undermine health and vitality.

  4. Social Support and Accountability: You accept support from friends, family, or support groups and hold yourself accountable for your no smoking goal, fostering a sense of community and encouragement.

  5. Celebrating Milestones and Progress: You celebrate milestones and progress along the quit journey, reinforcing motivation and resilience in the face of challenges.

Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation Mindset Transformation:

Hypnotherapy offers a unique approach to transforming the smoking cessation mindset, addressing underlying beliefs and emotions that may be perpetuating nicotine addiction. Through techniques such as relaxation, visualization, and suggestion, hypnotherapy can help you to:

  • Reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with nicotine dependence.

  • Overcome limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns related to smoking cessation.

  • Reinforce positive motivations and intentions for quitting smoking.

  • Develop coping strategies for managing triggers, stress, and emotional cravings.

  • Cultivate a deep-seated commitment to health and well-being, paving the way for long-term smoking cessation success.


By harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy empowers you to break free from the grip of nicotine addiction and embrace a smoke-free lifestyle.

Working together with your hypnotherapist using proven, researched based hypnotherapy techniques in a series of hypnosis and counseling sessions, you can discover/clarify your general physical health mindset and specific beliefs and concerns about your current smoking habits, establish and prioritize your no smoking goals, envision the thoughts, feelings and activities of an updated mindset that supports your goals, craft customized personal affirmations in alignment with your updated mindset, and  establish a daily affirmations and gratitude practice that reinforces your mindset, celebrates progress and propels you toward successful achievement of our your specific np smoking goal.

If you are considering working with me as your hypnotherapist, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please call me at 818-929-4944 or go to cindaroffman.com to book a free consultation.



HypnoNews and Resources

 For a more detailed article that asks questions like why is it so hard to stop smoking, please see the following:


Part 3: Harnessing the Power of Mindset: Better Sleep with Help from Hypnotherapy

Most adults have had a sleepless night or a ‘didn’t sleep well last night’ experience at one time or another. This experience can be simply a passing annoyance. However, for some of you, frequent or chronic insomnia can be a debilitating problem with significant mental and physical health implications.

Juanita had done an excellent job of training herself to get by on 3 (yes, 3!) hours of sleep a night.  She was a young mother, working part time and going to school.  She literally believed that she had no time to sleep.  10 years later, her son (and now daughter as well) were 8 and 10 and she wanted to sleep more and better.  Could I help? Of course I could.

First of all, we talked about her goals and how important getting a better night’s sleep was to her.  She felt that at her age, she needed more sleep.  Her goal was 7-8 hours a night.  The first thing we did was come up with a set of affirmations changing her mindset about sleep.  Instead of “I won’t be able to sleep more than 3 hours tonight,” we changed her self-talk to “I easily get 8 hours of sleep every night.”  In hypnosis, she was really relaxed for the first time in a long time.  I encouraged her to listen to the recording of her hypnosis session as she was falling asleep so she would be very relaxed.  Each time she listened to the recording she reinforced that feeling of complete relaxation.  Soon, she was sleeping 7-8 hours every night.

After your first few hypnotherapy sessions, you may also feel like you have had a ‘good night’s sleep’ for the first time in weeks, months, or even years. You fell asleep easily, slept through the night, and woke up in the morning feeling alert and refreshed.

This third installment of the series explores the critical role of mindset in achieving better sleep and how hypnotherapy can be a transformative tool in overcoming sleep-related challenges.

Understanding Sleep Goals:

Quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being, yet many individuals struggle with sleep-related issues. The five most common reasons people set sleep goals are:

  1. Improved Health and Vitality: Adequate sleep is crucial for physical and mental health, supporting immune function, cognitive performance, and emotional well-being.

  2. Enhanced Productivity and Performance: Quality sleep promotes alertness, concentration, and productivity, facilitating success in work, school, and daily activities.

  3. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: Deep, restorative sleep helps you reduce stress levels, promote relaxation, and recharge your body and mind for the day ahead.

  4. Emotional Regulation: Sleep plays a vital role in emotional regulation, helping you manage mood swings, irritability, and emotional reactivity.

  5. Disease Prevention: Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to an increased risk of various health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and depression.

The Sleep Mindset and the Mind-Body Connection:

Your mindset profoundly influences your sleep quality and patterns. Through the mind-body connection, your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can impact sleep onset, duration, and overall sleep quality. Here are the attitudes/beliefs associated with negative and positive sleep mindsets:

Negative Sleep Mindset:

  1. Catastrophic Thinking: You dwell on worst-case scenarios or potential sleep disturbances, leading to anxiety and heightened arousal.

  2. Sleep Avoidance Behaviors: You engage in activities that disrupt sleep, such as excessive screen time, caffeine consumption, or irregular sleep schedules.

  3. Hyperarousal: Heightened vigilance or arousal before bedtime, makes it difficult for you to relax and fall asleep.

  4. Clock Watching: Obsessively monitoring the clock and calculating how much sleep you will get, leading to increased stress and sleep disturbance.

  5. Daytime Sleep Anxiety: You worry about the consequences of poor sleep or feeling anxious about not getting enough rest, perpetuating a cycle of sleep-related stress.

Positive Sleep Mindset:

  1. Relaxation and Acceptance: You embrace relaxation techniques and accept sleep variability, letting go of perfectionism and sleep-related worries.

  2. Establishing Sleep Hygiene: You prioritize sleep hygiene practices including a consistent sleep schedule, a relaxing bedtime routine, and a comfortable sleep environment.

  3. Mindfulness and Present Moment Awareness: You learn and practice ways  to stay present and grounded, reducing pre-sleep rumination and anxiety.

  4. Trust in the Body's Ability to Sleep: You are confident in your body's natural ability to regulate sleep and restore balance, fostering a sense of ease and trust in the sleep process.

  5. Gratitude and Positive Outlook: You practice gratitude and focus on positive aspects of the day, promoting relaxation and emotional well-being conducive to restful sleep.

Hypnotherapy for Sleep Mindset Transformation:

Hypnotherapy offers a unique approach to transforming your sleep mindset, addressing underlying beliefs and emotions that may be contributing to sleep-related challenges. Through techniques such as guided imagery, progressive relaxation, and hypnotic suggestion, hypnotherapy can help you:

  • Reduce pre-sleep anxiety and hyperarousal.

  • Cultivate a calm and relaxed state conducive to sleep onset.

  • Overcome sleep-related fears and negative thought patterns.

  • Enhance sleep quality and duration through subconscious reprogramming.

  • Develop healthy sleep habits and routines to support long-term sleep success.


By harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy empowers you to align your mindset with your sleep goals, paving the way for restorative and rejuvenating sleep.

Working together with your hypnotherapist using proven hypnotherapy techniques in a series of hypnosis and counseling sessions, you can discover/clarify your general sleep health mindset and specific beliefs and concerns about your current sleep hygiene, establish and prioritize your sleep goals, envision the thoughts, feelings and activities of an updated mindset that supports your goals, craft customized personal affirmations in alignment with your updated sleep mindset, and  establish a daily affirmations and gratitude practice that reinforces your mindset, celebrates progress and propels you toward successful achievement of our your specific sleep goals.

If you are considering working with me as your hypnotherapist, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please call me at 818-929-4944 or go to cindaroffman.com to book a free consultation.

Stay tuned for Part 4: Harnessing the Power of Mindset: Stop Smoking Now with Help from Hypnotherapy, where we turn our focus to smoking cessation goals and explore how hypnotherapy can support you in breaking free from nicotine addiction and you can delve into the transformative potential of mindset in achieving smoking cessation with the help of hypnotherapy.



HypnoNews and Resources

One man’s personal, post pandemic story that you might relate to:

I Tried Everything to Cure My Insomnia. This Is What Finally Worked.



For the research minded:

Hypnosis Intervention Effects on Sleep Outcomes: A Systematic Review


Part 1: Harnessing the Power of Mindset: Transforming Your Physical Health with Hypnotherapy

In the pursuit of optimal physical health, the role of mindset cannot be underestimated. Our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes profoundly influence our actions and behaviors, ultimately shaping our health outcomes. This four-part series will delve into specific health goals, from weight loss to better sleep and smoking cessation, uncovering the transformative potential of mindset in achieving optimal well-being. On this journey you will find the keys to vibrant health and vitality through the power of the mind-body connection and hypnotherapy techniques.

This first installment of the series explores the foundational role of mindset in shaping physical health outcomes. From understanding mindsets to unlocking the mind-body connection, we lay the groundwork for harnessing the transformative power of hypnotherapy in achieving vibrant health and well-being. 

Understanding Mindsets and Their Impact on Health

Mindsets are the deeply ingrained attitudes and beliefs that shape our perceptions, behaviors, and ultimately, our outcomes. Physical health mindsets encompass attitudes, beliefs, and expectations related to our physical well-being. They can either propel us towards success or hinder our progress.   Positive health mindsets can foster resilience, motivation, and proactive health behaviors, while negative mindsets may lead to self-sabotage, disengagement, and poor health outcomes. Here are some typical attitudes/beliefs associated with negative and positive health mindsets:

Negative Health Mindset:

  • Fixed Mindset: Believing that health conditions are predetermined and unchangeable, leading to feelings of hopelessness and resignation.

  • Victim Mentality: Blaming external factors or genetics for health issues, neglecting personal responsibility and agency in improving one's well-being.

  • All -or-Nothing Thinking: Viewing healthbehaviors as either perfect or flawed, leading to cycles of strict adherence followed by self-sabotage.

  • Instant Gratification: Seeking quick fixes or fad diets rather than committing to sustainable lifestyle changes, leading to frustration and disappointment.

  • Fear of Failure: Avoiding health-related challenges or opportunities for growth due to a fear of falling short or not meeting expectations.

Positive Health Mindset:

  • Growth Mindset: Embracing the belief that health is dynamic and can be improved through effort, perseverance, and learning from setbacks

  • Ownership and Empowerment: Taking personal responsibility for health outcomes, actively seeking information, and making informed choices to promote well-being

  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Embracing change and viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth, adjusting strategies as needed to maintain progress

  • Long-Term Perspective: Prioritizing sustainable habits and lifestyle changes over quick fixes, recognizing that health is a lifelong journey

  • Resilience and Optimism: Cultivating resilience in the face of challenges, maintaining a positive outlook, and believing in one's ability to overcome obstacles.

The Mind-Body Connection

The mind-body connection refers to the intricate relationship between our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and physical health. Neuroscience has revealed that the brain and body are interconnected, with thoughts and emotions influencing physiological processes and vice versa. Here's a closer look at the mind-body connection and where neuroscience fits into our understanding:

  1. Neuroplasticity: The brain's ability to reorganize and adapt in response to experiences, thoughts, and behaviors. Through neuroplasticity, we can reshape neural pathways associated with health behaviors and beliefs

  2. Stress Response: The brain's response to stress triggers physiological changes in the body, such as increased heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels. Chronic stress can negatively impact immune function, metabolism, and overall health

  3. Emotional Regulation: The brain plays a central role in regulating emotions, with the limbic system and prefrontal cortex governing emotional responses and decision-making processes. Hypnotherapy techniques can help modulate emotional responses and promote emotional well-being

  4. Placebo Effect: The phenomenon where the belief in a treatment or intervention leads to positive health outcomes, even if the treatment itself is inert. This underscores the power of mindset in influencing physical health and healing.

Practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and hypnotherapy leverage the mind-body connection to promote relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being. These interventions have been shown to improve immune function, pain management, and recovery from illness.

How Hypnotherapy Works

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic modality that utilizes guided relaxation, focused attention, and suggestion to access the subconscious mind. By inducing a trance-like state, hypnotherapy bypasses the critical faculty of the conscious mind, allowing for direct communication with the subconscious. Through tailored interventions and suggestions, your hypnotherapist can help you to facilitate mindset shifts, reframe limiting beliefs, and instill positive thought patterns conducive to physical health and well-being.

Transforming Your Physical Health with Hypnotherapy

  1. Identifying Limiting Beliefs: Hypnotherapy begins with identifying and addressing underlying limiting beliefs that may hinder progress towards physical health goals. These beliefs may include doubts about your ability to change, fear of failure, or past experiences that reinforce negative associations with health behaviors

  2. Reprogramming Thought Patterns: Through hypnotic suggestion and visualization techniques, hypnotherapy helps reprogram thought patterns to support positive health behaviors and attitudes. You are guided to envision yourself as healthy, vibrant and capable of achieving your wellness goals with confidence and determination

  3. Cultivating Motivation and Commitment: Hypnotherapy instills a sense of motivation and commitment to health goals by aligning subconscious desires with conscious intentions. You can tap into your inner resources, intrinsic motivations and values that drive sustainable lifestyle changes

  4. Managing Stress and Resilience: Stress management is integral to physical health, as chronic stress can undermine immune function and exacerbate health conditions. Hypnotherapy equips you with relaxation techniques, coping strategies, and resilience-building skills to navigate stressors effectively and maintain balance in daily life

  5. Enhancing Self-Care Practices: Hypnotherapy encourages the adoption of self-care practices that promote physical health and well-being, such as regular exercise, nutritious eating habits, adequate sleep, and stress reduction activities. You develop a deeper appreciation for self-care as an essential aspect of holistic health.


In harnessing the power of mindset, hypnotherapy offers a transformative path to achieving optimal physical health and well-being. By addressing underlying beliefs, reprogramming thought patterns, and cultivating motivation, hypnotherapy empowers you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and vitality. Through the integration of mind-body techniques, you can unlock your innate potential for vibrant health and embrace a life of vitality and wellness.

Working together with your hypnotherapist using proven hypnotherapy techniques in a series of hypnosis and counseling sessions, you can discover/clarify your general physical health mindset and specific beliefs about your current concerns/issues, establish and prioritize your physical health goals, envision the thoughts, feelings and activities of an updated mindset that supports your goals, craft customized personal affirmations in alignment your updated mindset, and  establish a daily affirmations and gratitude practice that reinforces your physical health mindset and propels you toward successful achievement of our your specific physical health goals.

If you are considering working with me as your hypnotherapist, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please call me at 818-929-4944 or go to cindaroffman.com to book a free consultation.

Stay tuned for Part 2: Harnessing the Power of Mindset: Achieving Weight Loss Goals with Hypnotherapy, where we delve into the intricacies of weight loss mindset and the transformative potential of hypnotherapy in achieving sustainable weight loss.



HypnoNews and Resources

 For an excellent article the mind-body connection including historical roots, scientific basis, impact on overall health and well-being, and mind-body therapies, please see the following:


Looking For Love? Start With Yourself! Use Hypnotherapy As Your Guide.

My client did not know she was looking for love. Michelle came to me to lose 20 pounds.  She was in her late sixties, divorced with adult children.  As we talked, she said she would like to be in a relationship, but felt unattractive carrying the extra weight.  After working together, she lost the 20 pounds and had a different outlook on life.  She was happy with herself, maybe even loved herself, and was ready to look for a relationship.  We crafted the affirmation, “I am open to a positive, healthy, loving relationship.”  Guess what?  In a few weeks, she found her new someone and is now in a happy, healthy relationship.

Embarking on the journey to find new love is a transformative and exciting chapter in life. However, before seeking external connections, it's essential to turn the focus inward. In this article, we explore the profound connection between readiness, self-love, and attracting new love relationships. Discover the power of self-care practices, delve into the 5-stage theory of change, and understand how hypnotherapy serves as a guiding light on this extraordinary journey.

The 5-Stage Theory of Change: Before any significant life change, individuals often undergo a process that psychologist Prochaska termed the 5-stage theory of change. The stages are pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. The readiness to act stage, marked by a genuine intention to make a change, is the crucial precursor to finding new love.

Self-love is the cornerstone of a healthy and fulfilling life. It involves recognizing and appreciating one's worth, acknowledging personal needs, and treating oneself with kindness and compassion. In the context of finding new love, self-love becomes a magnetic force that enhances attractiveness and sets the stage for meaningful connections.

Examples of Self-Care Activities: Self-love is manifested through intentional self-care practices. These activities nourish the mind, body, and soul, fostering a sense of well-being and contentment. Examples include:

1.            Mindful Practices:  Meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices promote mental clarity and emotional balance.

2.            Physical Well-Being:  Regular exercise, nutritious eating habits, and sufficient sleep contribute to overall physical health and vitality.

3.            Creative Expression:  Engaging in activities that spark creativity and self-expression, such as art, writing, or music, fosters a sense of fulfillment.

4.            Setting Boundaries: Learning to say no when necessary and setting healthy boundaries preserves energy and promotes emotional resilience.

Positive self-care practices reinforce self-love in a continuous loop. As individuals prioritize their well-being, they cultivate a positive self-image and a deep sense of fulfillment. This, in turn, enhances attractiveness, creating a magnetic pull for potential new love relationships.

Hypnotherapy's Role in the Journey to New Love:

1.            Building Readiness:  Hypnotherapy assists individuals in navigating the readiness stage by addressing any subconscious barriers or fears that may hinder the pursuit of new love.

2.            Enhancing Self-Love: Through positive affirmations and guided imagery, hypnotherapy reinforces self-love, fostering a deep and lasting sense of worthiness.

3.            Transformative Mindset: Hypnotherapy helps individuals cultivate a mindset aligned with positive change, enabling them to approach the journey to new love with confidence and optimism.

4.            Stress Reduction and Emotional Resilience: Techniques such as stress reduction and emotional resilience building equip individuals with the tools to navigate the inevitable challenges of seeking new love.

5.            Visualization for Attraction: Hypnotherapy incorporates visualization techniques to help individuals visualize and manifest the qualities they seek in a new love relationship, creating a powerful magnetism.

As your hypnotherapist I can serve as an experienced guide on this transformative journey. Through tailored sessions, I provide support, tools, and insights to help you overcome obstacles, build readiness, and cultivate the self-love necessary for attracting and sustaining fulfilling new love relationships.

As you set forth on the path to find new love, remember that the most potent catalyst for meaningful connections lies within—ready yourself, practice self-love, and let hypnotherapy be your trusted guide on this extraordinary journey of transformation and love.

If you are considering working with me as your hypnotherapist, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please call me at 818-929-4944 or go to cindaroffman.com to book a free consultation.



HypnoNews and Resources

Once you find and are enjoying your new someone, you might begin to think about the longer term. For an excellent article exploring the importance of compatibility for long term relationships, please see the following:


Part 4: Ready-Set-Go: Achieving and Sustaining New Year's Resolutions With Your Hypnotherapist's Support

Jeff began his New Year’s Resolution journey on his own with no blueprint and no support. He was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and he needed to make changes in his diet and exercise practices to feel better and sustain his health. Using mostly will power he managed to achieve his target A1c level by mid-year. However, in late fall, cold weather and the onset of the holiday season’s food fests were challenging Jeff’s outdoor exercise practices and his diet.  He came to me for hypnotherapy help. We discussed the 5 stages of change theory and noted that he seemed to be at stage 5 (maintenance) in his journey. Following the blueprint for transformative resolutions with scheduled hypnotherapy follow-up support, we reviewed his goals, addressed his current challenges, planned and celebrated his success in maintaining his target A1c levels through out the winter and into spring of the next new year.

Part 4: Blueprint for Transformative Resolutions: Achieve and Sustain

In this final installment of our series, we lay out a comprehensive blueprint for your transformative journey toward achieving and sustaining your New Year's resolutions. This blueprint, informed by the synergy of readiness, SMART goals, hypnotherapy, positive affirmations, and visualization, guides you through each step of the resolution and maintenance process.

The Importance of Readiness to Change: Revisiting the Foundation

As we embark on crafting a transformative blueprint, it's crucial to revisit the cornerstone—readiness. The 5 stages of change theory, encompassing precontemplation to maintenance, underscores the evolution of readiness. Here's how it aligns with the blueprint:

  • Readiness as a Driving Force: Throughout the transformative journey, readiness acts as a driving force. Revisit your initial commitment to change during moments of challenge, anchoring yourself in the firm foundation of readiness.

  • Continual Growth: Recognize that readiness is not a one-time event but a continual process. Embrace the evolving nature of readiness as you progress through the stages of change.

Crafting SMART Resolutions: Building Clear Pathways

Building upon the foundation of readiness, SMART resolutions serve as the navigational markers on your journey. Each component of SMART contributes to a clear and achievable path:

  • Specificity: Specific resolutions create clarity. Instead of a vague goal, articulate the specifics of what you aim to achieve. For instance, replace "exercise more" with "Walk an average of 11,600 steps per day every week."

  • Measurability: Measurable criteria allow for progress tracking. Establish quantifiable metrics, ensuring that you can celebrate achievements and adjust strategies as needed.

  • Achievability: Set goals that are realistic and attainable. While ambition is commendable, ensure that your resolutions align with your current capabilities, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

  • Relevance: Align resolutions with your values and long-term objectives. A relevant goal resonates with personal aspirations, maintaining intrinsic motivation throughout the journey.

  • Time-Boundedness: Establishing time frames adds a sense of urgency. Setting deadlines for milestones and overall achievement enhances focus and time management.

Building A Daily Affirmation Practice: Reinforcing Positivity

With SMART resolutions in place, the next step is to reinforce positivity through a daily affirmation practice. Positive affirmations become the motivational fuel that sustains your resolution journey:

  • Consistency is Key: Regularly repeat affirmations to instill positive beliefs. Consistency deepens the impact of affirmations on the subconscious mind.

  • Alignment with Goals: Craft affirmations that align seamlessly with your SMART resolutions. The synergy between positive affirmations and specific goals amplifies motivation.

  • Morning Rituals: Incorporate affirmations into your morning routine. Starting the day with positive thoughts sets a constructive tone for the hours ahead.

  • Evening Reflections: Conclude the day by listening to your hypnotherapy recording. Write your affirmations and what you are grateful for in your journal just before bedtime.

Adding a Gratitude Practice: Fostering Fulfillment

Gratitude, a powerful emotion, is an integral component of the blueprint. Cultivating gratitude enhances fulfillment, resilience, and overall well-being.

  • Daily Gratitude Journaling: Dedicate time each day to journaling three things you are grateful for. This practice shifts focus to positive aspects, fostering a grateful mindset.

  • Expressing Gratitude: Beyond personal reflections, express gratitude to others. This could be through notes, messages, or acts of kindness, deepening interpersonal connections.

  • Gratitude as a Resilience Tool: During challenging moments in your resolution journey, revisit your gratitude journal. The positive emotions associated with gratitude act as a resilience tool.

Scheduled Follow-Up Sessions: Ensuring Sustained Success

The blueprint's final touch involves scheduled follow-up sessions with your hypnotherapist. These sessions play a pivotal role in refining goals, addressing challenges, and ensuring sustained success:

  • Goal Review: Regularly review your SMART resolutions with your hypnotherapist. Adjust goals based on progress, challenges, and evolving priorities.

  • Addressing Challenges: Use follow-up sessions to discuss any challenges encountered. Hypnotherapy provides a supportive space to explore and overcome obstacles.

  • Celebrating Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate achievements during follow-up sessions. Recognizing progress reinforces positive behavior and motivates continued effort.


 As you embark on your transformative journey armed with the blueprint—rooted in readiness, guided by SMART resolutions, reinforced by daily affirmations and gratitude, and supported by follow-up sessions—remember that resolutions are not just about achievement but a journey of continuous growth. The synergy of these elements ensures that your resolutions not only endure but flourish, fostering a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Closing Thoughts

With the transformative blueprint in hand, you are poised to make this year your most impactful yet. The combination of clarity, positivity, gratitude, and ongoing support sets the stage for resolutions that go beyond mere accomplishment—they become a pathway to a more vibrant and fulfilling life. Ready, set, go—your transformative journey awaits.

If you are considering working with me as your hypnotherapist, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please call me at 818-929-4944 or go to cindaroffman.com to book a free consultation.



HypnoNews and Resources

A research study in 2020 investigated what resolutions people make when they are free to formulate them, whether different resolutions reach differing success rates, and whether it is possible to increase the likelihood of a resolution’s success through various types of support. Participants were placed in three groups: active control, some support, and extended support. At a one year follow-up, the group that got some support was “exclusively and significantly” more successful. Read the study here:


Part 2 - Ready-Set-Go: Achieving and Sustaining New Year's Resolutions With Your Hypnotherapists Support

Part 2-Understanding New Year's Resolutions-Crafting Meaningful Goals

Late last fall my husband and I got the exciting and joyful news that our daughter was engaged. A month or two later, while we were attending a 2 day business planning seminar, Burt surprised me by declaring to the whole room that his #1 goal for 2024 is to finance and host an extraordinary wedding event for our daughter in Dallas, Texas by June, 2024. Clearly, Burt has reached the readiness stage of the 5 stage theory of change model and apparently he knows something about the SMART methodology for better goal setting.

Part 2 of this series, delves into the intricate world of New Year's resolutions. Understanding the dynamics, categories, and success factors behind resolutions is crucial for crafting meaningful and achievable goals that stand the test of time.

Understanding New Year's Resolutions

As the calendar turns a new page, the tradition of setting New Year’s Resolutions comes into focus. Resolutions are promises we make to ourselves—a commitment to personal growth, well-being, and fulfillment. To embark on a successful resolution journey, it's essential to gain a comprehensive understanding of this tradition.

Categories of Resolutions: Navigating Diverse Realms

Resolutions can span various aspects of life, reflecting the multifaceted nature of personal growth. Categories include:

  • Health and Wellness: Resolutions related to physical health, exercise, nutrition, and overall well-being.

  • Personal Development: Goals focusing on self-improvement, skill enhancement, and lifelong learning.

  • Relationships: Resolutions centered around building and nurturing meaningful connections with others.

  • Career and Finance: Aspirations for professional growth, financial stability, and career satisfaction.

Understanding the diverse categories allows individuals to tailor resolutions to their unique needs and priorities.

Types and Forms: Decoding Success Factors

Resolutions come in various types and forms, and understanding their success factors is key to achieving lasting change.

  • Success Rates: Research suggests that resolutions related to health and well-being tend to have higher success rates. Understanding this can influence the selection of resolutions based on personal priorities and the likelihood of success.

  • Abandonment Patterns: Statistics indicate that a significant number of resolutions are abandoned within the first few weeks of the year. Recognizing common abandonment patterns can help individuals develop strategies to overcome challenges and persevere.

  • SMART Resolutions: Introducing the concept of SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Crafting resolutions with these criteria enhances clarity, feasibility, and accountability.

Crafting SMART New Year's Resolutions

Crafting resolutions that adhere to the SMART framework is a practical and effective approach. This methodology transforms vague aspirations into concrete, achievable objectives.

  • Specific: Clearly define the resolution. Instead of a broad goal like "exercise more," specify "jog for 30 minutes three times a week."

  • Measurable: Establish quantifiable criteria to track progress. For instance, instead of "eat healthier," set a measurable target like "consume five servings of vegetables daily."

  • Achievable: Ensure the resolution is realistic and attainable. Setting an achievable goal promotes a sense of accomplishment and motivates further progress.

  • Relevant: Align the resolution with personal values and long-term objectives. A relevant goal resonates with individual aspirations, increasing commitment.

  • Time-bound: Set a timeframe for achieving the resolution. A deadline creates a sense of urgency and helps manage time effectively. For example, "lose 10 pounds in three months."

 Practical Tips for Crafting SMART Resolutions:

  • Reflect on Values: Consider what truly matters to you. Resolutions aligned with core values are more likely to be pursued with enthusiasm.

  • Prioritize Realistic Goals: While ambition is commendable, resolutions should be grounded in reality. Gradual progress is sustainable and fosters a positive mindset.

  • Break Down Complex Goals: If a resolution is complex, break it down into smaller, manageable steps. Each small achievement contributes to the overall success.


Understanding the diverse categories and success factors of New Year’s Resolutions, coupled with the practical crafting of SMART goals, lays the foundation for a purposeful resolution journey.

Having gained insight into the world of New Year’s Resolutions, join me in Part 3 as we explore the transformative power of hypnotherapy and how positive affirmations and visualization techniques synergize with resolutions, propelling you toward your goals.

If you are considering working with me as your hypnotherapist, I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please or call me at 818-929-4944 go to cindaroffman.com to book a free consult.



HypnoNews and Resources

For a fascinating and informative article about the history and evolution of New Year’s Resolutions, please see the following:


Breaking the Chronic Procrastination Cycle * Hypnotherapy Can Help

Welcome back to our ongoing exploration of the human mind and the transformative power of hypnotherapy. One pervasive issue that many of my clients grapple with - chronic procrastination. As a certified hypnotherapist with 15 years in practice, I've encountered various manifestations of procrastination and witnessed the profound changes that hypnotherapy can bring.

A new client called and said, “My boss says I need to come see you or I will be fired.”  Not my usual call from a new client.  I asked him what was the issue.  He said he was chronically late to work and his boss was tired of it.  A good example of how chronic procrastination can affect all parts of your life. 

We worked together to find the causes of his procrastination – he just wanted to be on his computer more. We came up with a set of affirmations, changing his beliefs about himself and his ability to change and be on time.  We came up with an anchor, a way of anchoring in the feeling he felt in hypnosis.  He used his anchor when he felt out of control and that brought him back to believing that he could change and be on time.  He made some behavior changes – setting his alarm earlier, moving some tasks from the morning to the evening before and staying off the computer in the mornings.   He began to arrive at work not only on time, but 15 minutes early like his boss preferred.

After a few sessions, he mentioned to me that not only was he doing so much better at work, but his marriage was also better.  We had never discussed his marriage in our sessions.  He said that when his wife got grumpy or yelled at him, he used his anchor to calm himself and let her vent.  It is impossible to have an argument with only one person yelling.  He really appreciated this side benefit of his hypnotherapy sessions

Understanding Chronic Procratination

Chronic procrastination is not just a matter of occasional delays or temporary hesitation. It's a persistent pattern of putting off tasks that are important, often leading to negative consequences in various areas of life.

Recognizing the key symptoms of chronic procrastination is crucial for those seeking change:

  1. Consistent Delays: Tasks are consistently postponed, leading to missed deadlines and opportunities.

  2. Excuse-Making: Individuals engage in self-deceptive rationalizations for delaying tasks.

  3. Avoidance Behavior: There is a tendency to avoid certain activities or responsibilities altogether.

  4. Difficulty Initiating: Getting started on tasks becomes a daunting challenge.

  5. Time Mismanagement: Poor time management skills contribute to chronic procrastination.

  6. Perfectionism: The fear of not doing things perfectly can paralyze action.

  7. Lack of Motivation: A general lack of motivation or enthusiasm for the task at hand.

  8. Low Self-Esteem: Procrastination often ties to feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt.

  9. Fear of Failure or Success: Fear can be a powerful driver of procrastination.

  10. Short-Term Focus: Preferring immediate pleasure over long-term benefits.

Types of Chronic Procrastination

Identifying specific patterns helps tailor hypnotherapy interventions. Eight common types include

  • academic procrastination

  • chronic overestimation

  • perfectionistic procrastination

  • avoidance procrastination

  • deadline procrastination

  • anxious procrastination

  • rebellious procrastination

  • habitual procrastination

Causes of Chronic Procrastination

Understanding the root causes of chronic procrastination is essential for effective intervention. Common causes include

  • fear of failure

  • lack of clarity about goals

  • low self-esteem

  • perfectionism

  • underlying mental health issues

Uncovering these triggers helps tailor hypnotherapy strategies to address the specific needs of each individual.

Consequences of Chronic Procrastination

Chronic procrastination can have far-reaching consequences, both as a general habit and in specific areas such as sleep (bed time) procrastination. As a pervasive habit, it can lead to increased stress, decreased job performance, strained relationships, and missed opportunities. In the context of sleep procrastination, where individuals consistently delay bedtime, consequences may include sleep deprivation, impaired cognitive function, and negative impacts on overall health and well-being.

The cycle of Chronic Procrastination

Understanding the cyclical nature of chronic procrastination is vital for breaking free from its grip. The cycle typically involves a trigger, emotional response, coping strategy (procrastination), and temporary relief, perpetuating the pattern.

Benefits of Overcoming Chronic Procrastination

Reducing or eliminating chronic procrastination brings a myriad of benefits:

  1. Increased Productivity: Accomplish tasks more efficiently and effectively.

  2. Enhanced Well-Being: Lower stress levels and improved mental health.

  3. Improved Relationships: Minimize the impact of procrastination on personal and professional relationships.

  4. Boosted Confidence: Overcoming procrastination fosters a sense of accomplishment and self-worth.

  5. Goal Attainment: Move closer to long-term goals with consistent action.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help

Hypnotherapy offers a powerful avenue for disrupting the cycle of chronic procrastination. Through various techniques, including guided imagery, suggestion, EFT and affirmations, hypnotherapy can address the underlying causes and rewire the subconscious mind.

In Summary

Chronic procrastination is a formidable challenge, but with the right tools and mindset, positive change is not only possible but probable. Hypnotherapy serves as a valuable ally in breaking free from the chains of procrastination, empowering individuals to lead more fulfilling and purposeful lives.

If you or someone you know is struggling with chronic procrastination, consider the transformative potential of hypnotherapy on your journey toward positive change.

I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients. Please go to cindaroffman.com to book a free consult or call me at 818-929-4944.



HypnoNews and Resources

For additional information and advice on unwanted chronic procrastination and how to how to overcome it, here are two articles that may be of interest.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/triggered/202008/ocd-and-compulsive-procrastination https://www.psychologicalscience.org/observer/why-wait-the-science-behind-procrastination

For an absolutely fascinating article about one of the most recently identified forms of procrastination known as ‘revenge sleep procrastination’, please see the following:


Duck Quack, Chicken Cluck, or ? Stage Hypnosis Vs. Hypnotherapy

References to being hypnotized turn up in the strangest places – on a random TV show, a movie or sometimes a book.  In his One Good Deed, a character of author David Baldacci is doing things not to her benefit.  Archer suggests, “’He believes Hank Pittleman hypnotized you or something.’  Archer takes the cigarette from his mouth.  ‘Did he hypnotize you or something?’  Sarcasticly she responds ‘Yeah, Archer, if you clap your hands just right, I’ll get on the floor and bark like a dog.’” 

As a professional hypnotherapist, new clients will sometimes ask me, “Will I quack like a duck, cluck like a chicken or bark like a dog?”  The answer is no, not unless you want to.  Hypnotherapy (what I do) and stage hypnosis (what I don’t even know how to do) are 2 distinct practices. Both use hypnosis but they serve very different purposes and are conducted in different settings.  Let’s explore the differences between the two.

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis as a tool to help individuals address various psychological and emotional issues, such as anxiety, phobias, trauma, and more.

  • Its primary purpose is to promote healing, personal growth, and positive behavioral change. Hypnotherapists work with clients, one on one, to help them achieve specific therapeutic goals.

  • Hypnotherapy sessions are conducted in a relaxed, comfortable, and private environment where the client can feel at ease

  • In hypnotherapy, the client participates voluntarily and consents to the process. The hypnotherapist works collaboratively with the client to address their specific concerns or issues, and the client's well-being is the top priority.

  • Hypnotherapists use hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and work with the client's thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. The goal is to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and address specific issues through suggestion, visualization, and therapeutic dialogue.

  • Hypnotherapists typically undergo formal training and certification in hypnotherapy techniques, ethics, and client care. They are often licensed professionals who adhere to ethical guidelines and maintain client confidentiality.

Stage hypnosis is a form of entertainment. The primary purpose of stage hypnosis is to amuse and entertain an audience. Stage hypnotists typically perform in front of a live audience and select volunteers from the audience to participate in amusing and often comical hypnotic scenarios. It is not intended for therapeutic or healing purposes.

  • Stage hypnotists select volunteers from the audience, but these volunteers are typically willing participants who agree to be hypnotized for entertainment purposes. While consent is involved, there may be some peer pressure or expectation to comply with the hypnotist's requests.

  • Stage hypnosis relies on rapid and often dramatic hypnotic inductions to quickly hypnotize participants. The focus is on creating entertaining and sometimes outrageous scenarios, such as making participants believe they are famous celebrities or behave in unusual ways.

  • Stage hypnotists may not necessarily have formal training or certification in hypnosis. Their expertise lies in entertaining an audience through hypnosis, and their primary concern is entertainment rather than therapy.

  • Stage hypnosis provides immediate amusement and laughter but does not aim to bring about lasting personal change or therapeutic benefits.

In summary, hypnotherapy and stage hypnosis involve the use of hypnosis techniques but they have vastly different purposes, approaches, and ethical considerations. Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic tool used to help individuals with psychological and emotional issues, while stage hypnosis is a form of entertainment aimed at amusing audiences.

Please feel free to pass this post along to family and friends that you think might benefit from the positive effects of hypnotherapy.

I am available for a free 30 minute consultation for new clients.  Please go to cindaroffman.com to book a free consult or call me at 818-929-4944.



Hypnonews and Resources

For another perspective on Hypnotherapy Vs. Stage Hypnosis by an establlished hypnotherapy training company please see the following:


For those who might be interested in learning to do stage hypnosis the following article offers some useful advice:


Just 1 Thing to Make a Lasting Positive Difference in Your Life Now

In the cycle of our lives, change is constant. But some changes we want and others we may just get. Is there 1 change you want or maybe need to make a lasting, positive change in your life now? Is there something that you have been avoiding? Something that you know you need to do but don’t really want to?

If you are having trouble doing that 1 thing, your subconscious thoughts, attitudes and beliefs could be creating the resistance that is holding you back. Hypnotherapy may be able to help.

Your subconscious is 90% (or more) of your brain.  It may be what is keeping you from completing that book, taking that flight, losing that weight.

When John (not his real name) came to me for help with his fear of flying, it was affecting both his professional and personal life.  He had to travel for work and could only drive or take the train when he had an out of town or out of state meeting.  His co-workers and clients thought this was odd, only he knew the real reason.  His entire family lives a couple of flight connections away from California.  He would have to fly on a small plane for the last leg of his journey.  He didn’t want to freak out in front of his young son.  He missed his family, especially his elderly mother.

After several sessions, John was able to easily fly for work and pleasure.  He didn’t even panic when the small plane was stuck on the runway for hours. Last Thanksgiving, John took the time to thank me for my help in changing his life.

How did hypnotherapy help John?  First, we explored where his fear of flying came from.  Why did he have a fear of flying and was this fear rational?  After some discussion, he began to realize that there was no rational reason for his fear.  The plane would land safely, the doors would open and he would be okay.  We then came up with affirmations related to his fears.  A couple were:  “I feel safe in the airplane,” “I don’t have to be in control all the time.”  Each morning he read his affirmations and each evening he wrote them in his journal, The Power In Affirmations.   In hypnosis, I suggested that he see himself as a person who was comfortable on a plane and did not need to be in control all of the time.  I gave him a recording of the hypnosis that he could listen to if needed on the plane.

For John that 1 thing has made a huge difference in his life

If you would like some help with your 1 thing please go to cindaroffman.com to book a free consult or give me a call at 818-929-4944.




For a well written article concerning the benefits of hypnotherapy and how it may help you to overcome your resistance to the positive change you want, please see the following:


Freedom from Negative Habits - Tapping - Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

What if there were a simple, easy technique that you could do in your own home to get rid of a behavior, a feeling or a craving?  EFT could be that for you.

I was first introduced to Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT, or tapping when I was a student at Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI).  The demonstrations were amazing!  A woman who had craved chocolate her entire life suddenly was not interested in the least.  I was curious – how to change, in a few minutes, how you viewed something you have loved your whole life.

Fast forward to last week.  I continue to struggle with maintaining a healthy weight.  I decided to try tapping on not eating carbs.  Low and behold I went to a lunch networking event and looked at the rolls and potatoes like they were foreign objects and definitely not something I would ever eat.  Dessert? Not a chance, I didn’t even check it out to see what it was.  It can be an amazing tool and I was reminded to use it with my clients.

What is tapping? 

Tapping works with the body’s energy system – the meridians that carry electrical impulses throughout the body.  These meridians were first used (and are still used) in acupuncture and acupressure.  We tap on the end-points of the meridians while repeating a problem statement (eg. My addiction to carbs). In acupuncture, you are needled on a specific point for a specific problem. In tapping, we just tap on all the upper body meridians and assume that one will be the correct meridian.  Tapping is part of a group of therapies called ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY, because they are believed to affect the body’s electromagnetic energy fields.

Where does it come from?

A psychologist, Dr. Roger Callahan, discovered tapping by accident while working with a client with a water phobia.  When she complained that her stomach hurt, he tapped under her eyes, the end point of the stomach meridian, and her stomach pain and water phobia went away.  This discovery was used by Gary Craig to expand tapping and come up with a simple system that can be used by anyone. Gary has had great success with Vietnam Vets with PTSD.  When they tell their stories while tapping the emotional intensity of the stories goes from 10 to 1 or zero.

How do you do it?

We begin by creating a setup statement: “Even though I have this addiction to carbs, I deeply and completely love and accepts myself.” At first, this negativity bothered me – shouldn’t we be focusing on the positive? I was listening to Nick Ortner’s broadcast during the 14th Annual  Tapping World Summit.  He runs Tapping World and is now a leader in the field.  He had the same question about the setup statement and he asked Louise Hay why we start with a negative. We know Louise Hay was all about positive affirmations (as am I) and I was intrigued to hear her answer.  She wisely said “If you want to clean the house, first you have to see the dirt.”

Tapping works on the theory that our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pain, disease and anxiety. The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.

We were trained to be negative from the earliest times.  Those who survived were the ones who were watching the bushes for any suspicious activity, were there tigers in the bushes? – those blithely playing in the open did not survive.

I usually do a session with my clients and then give them the recipe so they can do it whenever they want.  And when I say do a session with my clients, I tap along with them so they don’t feel silly – at first it can seem an odd thing to be doing.

Sound interesting? Give me a call 818-929-4944 to set up a session and I will teach you how to do EFT your way or join my free Hypnotherapy Q & A every Wednesday at 10 am PST.

You can register here.




HypnoNews and Resources

Here are some articles with more information about EFT-tapping:

From WEB MD, What is EFT tapping? 


From Medical News Today, A Guide to EFT tapping,


February The Month of Love

I know, I know, there are lots of celebrations this month – Black History Month, American Heart Month, Cancer Prevention Month and who can forget Great American Pies Month.  All of these are important things to recognize and focus on.  For me, though, February will always be the month of love.  This is partly because of Valentine’s Day and Heart Month but also because my parents and my son and my daughter-in-love all got married this month.

So let’s talk about love.  How do you get over it and how do you get it are the two most often asked questions about love in my practice.  A few years ago, I had 3 clients at the same time trying to get over lost loves.  I’m happy to say they have all moved on and hopefully found love again--this time forever.  One client was happily married but couldn’t stop going by the ex’s house every day.  Through affirmations and hypnotherapy, that practice was stopped.

How do I help my clients find love?  By setting an intention and creating a set of affirmations that will get them to their goal.  I suggest that they think about what it is they are looking for in a partner and actually make a list of their wants.  If a person really wants specific qualities or attributes then listing them can be helpful.  What if someone comes along and doesn’t have the desired attributes, but they fall in love?  Time to change the list!  A list can be a great starting point as long as you are willing to be flexible.

It’s also important to remember that “If you are good on your own, you really can have a beautiful relationship.” (From Jennifer Lopez in “It’s A Beautiful Love Story” in February 14th People Magazine.  She also says she gets her glow by “affirmations, eating right, exercise and “being a good person.”

Remember, what you think about comes to be, so be intentional in your thoughts. Whether you are looking for love or looking to get over love, focus on what you really want.

If you’d like more information on how hypnotherapy can help, check out my free Hypnotherapy Q & A every Wednesday at 10:00 am PST or call for a free consultation (818-929-4944).

You can register here.




HypnoNews and Resources

Here’s more about hypnotherapy and love:

 I Tried Hypnotherapy to Get Over My Breakup,



 How I’m Using Hypnosis to Attract My Life Partner,



Five Coping Strategies for Eating Challenges During the Holidays

Welcome to the ‘December’ holiday season! Holidays come with foods – Christmas Eve/Day, eight Nights/Days of Hanukkah and New Year’s Eve/Day all have the potential for big family dinners or fun parties.  If you are trying to watch and control your weight during the holidays, here are five strategies you can use:

1.       If you are going to a party and you are not sure that there will be food on your plan, eat the food you should be eating prior to going to the party or event.  No one needs to know that you have eaten and trust me, they will not notice if you are not eating.  Parties are all about having fun and that does not need to include overeating or drinking.  If you don’t want to drink alcohol, get a fizzy beverage or volunteer to be a designated driver for the evening.

2.       Consider allowing yourself a “cheat meal” or “cheat food” that is very special to you for the holiday.  Maybe your mother’s stuffing recipe has always been your favorite memory of the holidays – enjoy that and skip other foods that may be unhealthy for you.

3.       Practice self-care. Indulge in a mani/pedi or a new outfit that makes you feel special.  Nourish yourself with care instead of food.

4.       See the holidays as separate events – one dinner at a time.  It is much easier to focus on eating healthy for shorter periods of time than the whole month of holidays. 

5.       Planning ahead is always vital when it comes to managing your eating.  This is even truer at the holidays.  Take a calendar and map out what events you are planning to attend and what your strategy will be for each event.  Having a plan gives you the ability to be in control.

If you keep an Affirmations Journal as part of your daily practice, you may also want to add some holiday season specific affirmations. Here are some samples to consider:

  •   I enjoy sticking to my food plan.

  •   I plan my meals ahead of time.

  •   I take care of myself.

  •   I enjoy being with family and friends.

For more information about how to cope with holiday eating challenges, please give me a call (818-929-4944) to schedule a free consultation or join us any Wednesday on my Hypnotherapy Q and A. You can register here.


Happy Holidays!



HypnoNews and Resources

Check out this article for some myth-busting!


Holidays do not have to mean weight gain.  Each of these articles has more good suggestions.

https://bewell.stanford.edu/avoiding-holiday-weight-gain/ https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/yes-you-can-avoid-weight-gain-over-the-holidays-2019112518309

Three Core Coping Strategies for Holiday Stress

Welcome to the ‘December’ holiday season!  This time of year can bring opportunities for fun and joy. But for many of us the bundle of events from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day raises our stress to uncomfortable, even unhealthy levels.

Holiday season stress triggers vary from one individual to another. Some of the more common situations might include:

  • Gift shopping pressure, shortages, budget challenges, inflation ·        

  • Traveling to holiday destinations

  • Loneliness, spending holidays away from those you love

  • Obligations to plan/host parties and get-togethers

  • Social pressure to overindulge in food and drink

  • Conflicts with family members

When I work with a client on managing stress, we focus on their particular situation and triggers. However, I teach every stress management client about the three core coping strategies that everyone can use.

1.      Take a moment and think about what is important to you during the holidays.  What makes the holidays the most meaningful?  Is it finding the perfect present, appreciating the spiritual meaning of the holiday for you, cooking gifts for family and friends, or celebrating being together with your family?  Whatever you decide, make this your focus.  You may want to sit down with family and friends and let them know what your focus will be this holiday if it is different than usual.

2.       Practice self-care. Plan time in your schedule for a massage, bubble bath or simply relaxing.  Find a like-minded friend to do something special with.

3.       Ask for help.  If you are overwhelmed because you are the designated host for events, include others in the planning process and encourage them to volunteer to help decorate, cook, clean-up, wrap presents, etc.  They will enjoy being asked to participate.

If you keep an Affirmations Journal as part of your daily practice, you may also want to add some holiday season specific affirmations. Here are some samples to consider:

  • I plan and focus on what is important to me this holiday

  • I take care of myself by communicating my needs to others

  • I willingly ask for and accept help  

For more information about how to cope with holiday season stress, please give me a call (818-929-4944) to schedule a free consultation or join us any Wednesday on my Hypnotherapy Q and A. You can register here..


Happy Holidays!



HypnoNews and Resources

Dr. Haqqani talks more about how holiday stress can affect us:


From the Heart Association, more ideas for coping:


20 Pounds Post-COVID! What Now?

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True confession – I gained the dreaded COVID 20 pounds.  I know, I’m a hypnotherapist who has helped women and men lose hundreds of pounds.  When it came to listening to my own counsel, I fell short.

I know all the right things to do:

1. Eat healthy food you prepare yourself.  Focus on eating vegetables, low-glycemic fruit and healthy protein.

2. Plan your foods ahead of time.  A good suggestion is planning your food for the next day the night before to make sure you have what you need on hand.

3. Limit carbohydrates and alcohol. That’s where the calories are and the more you limit carbs, the more fun, fresh, veggies you can have.

4. Exercise more and regularly. Again, make a plan ahead of time so that you know when and how you exercise.  If necessary, put it on your calendar as an event.

5. Get plenty of sleep.  Study after study has shown that the more sleep you get, the easier it is to lose weight.

6. Have a specific goal in mind. This works better because you can see your progress and celebrate when you achieve your right weight.

7. Keep a written journal. Track your progress and celebrate your wins.

Sounds good, doesn’t it?  But with all the pivoting and planning to keep my business going, I put my health on the back burner and ended up where I did not want to be.  My doctor told me that I need to lose weight because of added stress on my knees which is causing pain and probably some damage.  That scared me into taking action.

What now? I am committing to 1-7 above. I’m also going to use a food and calorie app to track my food.  It does help to see what you are eating each day and exactly how many calories that food contains.  As I tell my clients, it’s more about what you eat than how much you move.  Don’t get me wrong, movement is important.  For me, after a good walk or work out I’m more motivated to eat the right food.

I may make an appointment to see a hypnotherapist; I hear they can be very helpful on this weight loss journey.

What about you? Did you gain the COVID 20 pounds?  Are you ready to make some changes? If you are, give me call, we can get to our right weight together. 



HypnoNews and Resources

Sleep More, Weigh Less - Yes, it’s true and here’s the article to prove it:  https://www.webmd.com/diet/sleep-and-weight-loss#1

Here’s an article from Psychology Today about how hypnosis helps with weight loss:  https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-integrationist/201412/successful-weight-loss-using-hypnosis

Coping With COVID-19 Post-Lockdown Re-entry Anxiety

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When baby elephants begin to get trained, one foot is roped to a post in the ground.  They are small and the rope keeps them from moving away from the post.  Initially they may try, but they are not big and strong enough yet to break the rope or uproot the post and get free so eventually they stop trying. In reality, a fully grown elephant could easily break away and run free, but by then they have been conditioned to go no further than the rope will reach. So they never try. 

Conditioning through physical restraint is an established and effective technique for training baby elephants. Conditioning people’s behavior is a bit more complicated.

For 13 months or so, we have been conditioned, not through physical restraints, but through information (factual or not), fear, guidelines, rules, executive orders and legislation. We have been conditioned to stay home, leave only when absolutely necessary and always be careful when out with other people. In this way, we have developed a conditioned response to our fears about getting and spreading COVID-19 and if we don’t stay home. 

Now, while COVID -19 is still out there, more and more people are getting vaccinated and it may be time to venture out. What can we do to cope with the inevitable anxiety that comes with overcoming the powerful conditioning not to step out, that we have experienced?

Unlike the elephants, as fully grown adults we can choose to break away from the guidelines, rules and laws and overcome the fears and inevitable anxiety that accompanies the conditioning which no longer serves us.

As we begin to re-interact with the outside world, what can we expect?  We may find that people will have very different ideas of what re-entry means.  Some will immediately return to pre-pandemic activities and mindsets. Other may move more cautiously and still only venture out when necessary.

Where will you land on this spectrum?  My suggestion is that you do what makes you feel comfortable, knowing that others may make different decisions for themselves.

At this point, understanding and patience on everyone’s part will be the best way to handle re-entry.

If you are having trouble with how to navigate re-entry issues, hypnotherapy can help you focus on your goals and make a specific plan to achieve them



HypnoNews and Resources

 For more information about coping with lockdown and Post-COVID re-entry, please refer to the following two excellent articles:



Embracing Change In the Hypnotherapists Garden

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“The only constant is change.” - Heraclitus

As we enter the new spring season, I’d like to encourage us all to embrace the changes that are coming. There are two kinds of changes we each need to deal with regularly. One is change coming from an external source such as dealing with Covid-19 or being dumped by a partner. The other is change that you might want to make to improve your life. Losing weight, stopping smoking or improving your self-confidence are examples of this kind of change.

When I thought about writing a blog about embracing transition, the first thing that came to mind was my garden.  I love gardening for so many reasons. When I’m gardening I can pay attention to my thoughts.

When I began to explore where this love came from I remembered that every year my grandmother had a flower garden.  My grandparents lived in a small town in Colorado and I spent every summer there growing up.  Because it was cold and snowed every winter, she had to replant annual seeds and nurture her perennials and bulbs back to life each spring.  I loved helping her tend her garden and cutting flowers to bring inside to enjoy.  This week I have tulips in one of her antique vases – a wonderful memory to have about the changing of the seasons.

When my grandchildren visit, I usually ask them to help in my garden.  They love to play with water so I ask them to water the plants. They also helped repair the rabbit fence so that the rabbits would not eat my kale and sorrel!  I hope they will come to love gardening as much as I do.

Gardening translates into how I see my role in the world too.  I want to be able to nurture my family and friends and help them grow and become as beautiful as they can.  This is the role I see in my practice as well.  What can I do for my hypnotherapy clients to help them to grow and flourish in their lives? 

Whether it is overcoming a fear, feeling more confident in the work and life, stopping an unhealthy habit, or finding the opportunity in a changing world, I can work with you to embrace the change you want or need to make this season



HypnoNews and Resources

For another perspective on the benefits of embracing change and some tips on how to go about it, please see the sources below:



Exercise to Improve Mood, Reduce Stress and Anxiety


As the Covid-19 pandemic goes on, our levels of stress and anxiety continue to rise.  Hypnotherapy is one way of learning how to deal with these issues. Today I’d like to share another option.  My friend, Esta McIntyre, is a Corrective Exercise Specialist and owner of My Health Studio in Westlake Village, California.  I asked her to share some information about how exercise may improve your mood and help with stress and anxiety.

Esta, tell us a little about your background.

There is a quote that really resonates with me:

“When the world says, ‘Give up,” Hope whispers, ‘Try it one more time.’”

~ Unknown ~

I have been a fitness, nutrition and wellness coach for the last 15 years.  However, I’m not the “run-of-the-mill” stereotype of the quintessential, talented counterparts who share my chosen profession.  You see, I’ve never been a fan of exercise, I love to eat and I’m predisposed to bouts of crankiness and mild depression.

 How do you feel about exercise?

Although I’m less than enthused about the act of methodical exercise, I do like the by-products of doing so. I’ve read over and over about studies showing how exercise can help to lift spirits. When you think about it, exercise is a safe and effective remedy. That appeals to me, since my body typically reacts negatively to meds. The thing is, it’s difficult to get up and get moving when we’re simply not in the mood or simply don’t want to loosen our grip on the TV remote long enough to get off the sofa.

How can we get started?

If you’re experiencing mild depression, stress or just feeling moody, you may need strategies to help you start an exercise program and stick with it. Try these tips for working out when you’re feeling low.

  • See your doctor. If you’re being treated for depression, let your doctor know about your plans. They can coordinate your treatment, answer your individual questions and help you to evaluate your progress.

  • Start small. Your first step can be as modest as a walk around the block or 10 minutes of stretching in the morning. As your energy levels increase, it will be easier to tackle larger endeavors.

  • Focus on aerobics. While lifting weights is critical to good health, research shows that aerobic activities are especially powerful in fighting anxiety and depression. Do something that speeds up your heart rate, like riding a bike or jumping rope or even dancing. Listen to music you enjoy

  • Set realistic goals. Aim for targets you can reach. If you’re a bit deconditioned, sign up for beginner fitness classes. Exercise for a few minutes at a time if you need to work your way up.

  • Make it convenient. Keep some gear at home that you can use anytime, such as resistance bands or a rowing machine. Do leg lifts and pushups while you’re brewing coffee or watching TV.

  • Be consistent. Regular exercise delivers greater results and reduces your risk of injuries. Try shortening your sessions instead of skipping a day if you’re feeling uninspired.

  • Move. Physical activity apart from formal exercise counts too. Block out time for gardening and housework.

 How do we stick with it?

 Once you start feeling better, it may be easy for you to rationalize slowing down – especially if lying on the sofa watching television is your favorite place to be.  Try these suggestions for sticking with the program (and I don’t mean the TV program).

  • Enjoy yourself. Find a variety of activities that you love, so you’ll look forward to your sessions. You might take dance classes one day and go hiking the next. Listen to your favorite songs and go outdoors when you can.

  • Create new challenges. Update your goals when you’re ready to aim higher. Slowly increase the duration and intensity of your workouts or learn a new skill.

  • Think positively. You may criticize yourself harshly when you’re down, tired or cranky. Become aware of your thoughts and experiment with more constructive messages. List your personal strengths and the things you like about your body.

  • Invest in yourself. Take care of your mental and physical wellbeing. Keeping fit also depends on eating a balanced diet and getting adequate amounts of restful sleep.

  • Reward yourself. Recognize your efforts by treating yourself to something that gives you pleasure. You might buy a book or take a bubble bath.

  • Seek support. Reach out to family and friends you trust and tell them what they can do to help you reach your fitness goals. They may offer words of encouragement or they may want to join you at the gym.

  • Remember your purpose. Think about the reasons why you want a more active life. Your main concern may be relieving symptoms of anxiety or depression, or you may have other priorities, like wanting to stay independent as you age or provide a healthy role model for your children.

So, the next time you want to feel better, instead of heading for a bowl of ice cream or diving into a bag of chips, quit slogging around.  Get up, start moving, and make it a regular thing. Even small increases in physical activity can have a big impact on mood and self-esteem.

Thanks, Esta.  If someone would like to work with you, how do we get in touch?

My website is www.EstaMcIntyre.com and my email is getfit@MyHealthStudio.com.

For additional perspectives on the importance of exercise, please see articles below.



HypnoNews and Resources

For additional perspectives on the importance of exercise, please see articles below.




Needle Phobia and Covid-19 Vaccination Anxiety


For nearly a year now you have been digesting the information about Covid-19 and solidifying the belief that it is a life threatening disease. Your stress and anxiety levels have skyrocketed as you struggled to determine and adopt new behaviors and practices that could slow the spread of the virus, help you to avoid getting sick yourself, and/or at least limit the severity of the illness if you do get infected.

Now, with the advent of at least three vaccines becoming available, the prospect for highly effective personal immunity is here. If enough of us get vaccinated our society may even achieve herd immunity.

How are you feeling about that news? Are you:

  • Exited and grateful that all you have to do is get one or two vaccination(s) so you can see your friends and hug you children again?

  • Happy that scientists have created the vaccines but a bit anxious about the safety of the vaccines or their side-affects that you may experience

  • So anxious and fearful at the mere thought of getting a shot in the arm that you would rather risk getting Covid?

If you find yourself in the third group, at some point between mild fear and extreme anxiety, you may have a condition known as trypanophobia or needle phobia (fear of needles). You are in good company. Needle phobia impacts up to twenty percent of people and causes many of them to avoid needed medical care.

So what is needle phobia, where does it come from and can it be overcome when you need to face a needle in the vital interests of your own health and well-being?

A needle phobia is defined as a fear of medical needle procedures.

Fears in general are natural responses to perceived danger in our environment. The perception of threat or danger triggers our instinctive, physiological fight or flight response which helps us escape from or handle the threat.

Phobias are usually grouped into two categories:

  • Specific or Simple phobias are learned response to an encounter with a certain object, animal, situation or activity. Fear of snakes, fear of flying, and fear of having an injection (vaccination) are examples of Specific phobias.

  • Complex Phobias are responses to more general, everyday activities. Consequently they can have a larger impact on your life. Agoraphobia  is one of the most common Complex phobias.

Phobias, while related to fears, are different in several ways. A phobia:

  • Is most commonly a learned response (not instinctual) which exists in your subconscious mind

  • Can be triggered by just thinking about the situation or object of the phobia

  • Is much more intense than a fear and can lead to major anxiety and even panic attacks

  • Develops when you have an exaggerated or unrealistic fear about a specific situation or object

  • Can cause great distress and hold you back from doing what you want/need to do

In the general context of fears and phobias, needle phobias would be classified as Specific or Simple phobias. You might have three different types of needle phobia:

  • A phobia which developed from an early traumatic experience with a medical needle procedure

  • A phobia which stems from an acute, intense hypersensitivity to pain or the sensation of a needle puncturing  your skin

  • A phobia where you faint or nearly lose consciousness before, during or after a medical needle procedure. It is generally agreed that this type of phobia is based on your instinctive, vasovagal reflex rather than a learned response.

It doesn’t matter what type of needle phobia you might have. When you think about getting a necessary vaccination, the intensity of the fear, stress and anxiety that you feel can hold you back from ever getting it done. If you manage to make the appointment anyway, you will want to know what you can do to prepare and better manage your phobia during and after the vaccination event.

Wherever your fear arises from, there is more to overcoming needle phobia than simply willing it away. The key is learning to use the power of your subconscious mind to change the way you respond to a medical needle procedure.

Hypnotherapy can help in several ways:   

  • In hypnotherapy, we first take a look at where the phobia began. Maybe it was a personal childhood trauma or an event you experienced as an adult. Maybe you learned from observing the experience of a parent, teacher, or other influential people in your life. Re-examining the event in a calm, non-judgmental environment can be a positive beginning.

  • TimeLine Therapy can help you travel back in time to examine the phobia from your current perspective. Sometimes that can be enough to help you realize that it is no longer needed or relevant to your life and you are able to let it go.

  •  Systematic desensitization may also be used.  You enter your deeply relaxed state (hypnosis), attempt to access the fear, let it pass, and then come back to your relaxed state. We repeat this exercise until you find it difficult or impossible to access your fear.

  • We can also use the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping) to help you let go of fear.

  • After you have explored your phobia and determined that you can manage or let go of it, we write affirmations that cement in those positive thoughts. “I conquer my fear”, “I love getting my vaccine”, “I am healthy and well”.

Needle phobia can be debilitating and life-limiting. If your phobia becomes overwhelming, hypnotherapy can help. I will listen, ask questions, and help you get information and gain an understanding of your phobia. We will develop transformative affirmations that focus on the positive outcome that you desire

If you would like to talk with me about your fear of needles or have questions, please contact me. 




For additional perspectives on needle phobia and Covid-19 vaccination please see articles below.



New Technology for Your Daily Affirmation Practice


As I wrote about in the THE POWER IN AFFIRMATIONS, there are 3 parts to a daily affirmation practice:

1.      Read and write them each evening just before bed

2.      Read and say them out loud first thing in the morning and

3.      Repeat them to yourself throughout the day

Recently I had the opportunity to talk with Mary Schulz, the creator of the AFFIRM Store app, a new tool you can use to help you remember and re-enforce your daily affirmation practice.  Today, it is my pleasure to share our conversation with you.

Cinda: Mary, thank you for agreeing to talk to us today about your new app, AFFIRM Store. To begin with, can you tell us how you first learned about affirmations?

Mary: My maternal grandparents were interested in positive thinking and familiarized me with affirmations early on in my life.  My grandmother would read from a daily affirmation book that had an affirmation and then a few paragraphs about the theme.  I realized that I liked having that positive thought as a theme for the day.

Affirming the positive things in my life and the goals that I wanted to come true, brought me a lot of comfort and success over the years, but I was never consist in using affirmations.

Cinda:  How have you used them recently in your life today?

Mary: In 2019, after years of struggling with being overweight, I had come to the decision to buckle down and get my eating under control.  I was referred to Cinda Roffman for Hypnotherapy and I was brought back to the power of affirmations. 

I used Cinda’s book to write my affirmations each night, as well as a few gratitudes.  During my sessions with Cinda, we would review my affirmations to see if I needed any revisions, and she’d state my affirmations while I was under hypnosis.  Between appointments was when I could see that I would be working through how to get to these goals…trying new approaches…thinking of things from different perspectives…gaining confidence to do what was needed.

Cinda: When do you use your affirmations?

Mary: I have to confess, I’m not great at reading my affirmations in the morning and saying them out loud.  I do have other practices in the morning that help me start my day off on a good footing.  But that is also why I love using AFFIRM Store to keep me focused on my goals throughout the day.

Cinda: Do you write your affirmations?

Mary: Yes, every evening while watching TV, I write a few gratitudes and my affirmations.  I’ve found that once I’ve headed to bed is not a good time for me to write and have the lights on.  So, I’ve compromised and write them while I’m relaxing in the evening.  

Cinda: What are some of your affirmations?

Mary: I change up my affirmations as the needs in my life change, but there are some that I have used repeatedly, especially for the harder issues in my life.  Here are just a few:

  • I enjoy and relax in my new appearance

  • I stick to my eating planT

  • The food I eat satisfies me.

Cinda: How have you found that hypnosis and affirmations work together for you?

Mary: Some say that you have to believe what you are affirming…but I found that I could affirm things and with the power of hypnosis, introduce into my subconscious mind success that my conscious mind would never have believed.  In the process and over time, my conscious mind was able to find ways to start believing in the goals I set and the affirmations I was using, and I made great progress towards my goals. 

Repeating my affirmations before going to sleep and multiple times during the day really helped me. 

Cinda: Tell us about AFFIRM Store.  How does it work?

Mary: With a busy job and life, remembering to think of my goals during the day was hard.  So, my software developer husband and I decided to create the AFFIRM Store that randomly sends me my affirmations via text message throughout the day, during the times I designate, to help me stay focused on my goals and reintroduce them to my conscious and subconscious mind.  I can have an unlimited number of affirmations in the app, and it will cycle through them. 

When I receive my affirmation via text, I love to take a moment and read it out loud, if possible.  I find that I gain a sense of calm, similar to the calm I feel under hypnosis, and I can easily move on with the tasks of my day.  It’s a great touchstone to center me and the confidence I gain helps me to achieve my goals.

The Standard annual subscription in AFFIRM Store allows up to 5 texts per day and with Premium, up to 12 texts per day.  If you have less than 5 affirmations, the app will just cycle through and repeat affirmations until the amount you designate is reached.  

I’ve introduced it to a number of my friends, and they love having more than 5 texts per day and just love AFFIRM Store!

Cinda: Any concluding words?

Mary: With the help of affirmations, hypnosis and other programs that I was open to try, I’ve reached my “right-sized” body and have been maintaining it for months.

We invite you to try AFFIRM Store for 14 days for free.  Just go to https://www.AFFIRMstore.com to sign up and get started. Then tell us what you think at info@AFFIRMstore.com

Cinda: Thanks again, Mary, for this excellent new tool. If you would like to work together on setting your goals and designing you affirmations for 2021, please contact me.



 HypnoNews and Resources 

An interesting article about combining mindfulness and hypnotherapy into Mindful Hypnotherapy https://www.news-medical.net/news/20200615/Novel-intervention-for-stress-shows-positive-results-in-pilot-study.aspx

 One of my favorite authors, Jack Canfield, writes about the why and how of affirmations https://www.jackcanfield.com/blog/practice-daily-affirmations/

Goals, Visions and Affirmations Method - Part 3

Dancing In Snow.jpg

This series introduces a new, hypnotherapy based method that you can use now and throughout the year to help set and achieve the goals your desire. Part 1 covered an exercise to help you get in touch with goals in different areas of your life. Part 2 helps translate your goals into an inspiring and motivating vision board. Part 3 is about using Affirmations to influence your subconscious mind and harness its power to help you reach your goals.

What’s dancing in your head? We have self-talk in our heads all day long.  What you are saying to yourself can make a real difference.  Is your self-talk negative or positive?  Do you constantly criticize yourself? Berate yourself for what you may not have yet accomplished? OR Are you telling yourself “I am powerful!”, “I am successful”, “I am a winner”?

One way to counter that negative self-talk is by creating a set of positive affirmations that you can use all day long.  Affirmations are very easy to write.  Just remember to keep them positive and begin with an “I” statement.  You do not have to believe your affirmations yet; they are about goals and aspirations.  They are a way of sealing in ideas that you would like to have be true.  “I am a permanent non-smoker.”  “I easily achieve and maintain my weight management goal.”

You can choose one affirmation each day to focus on. Make that your mantra for the day.  If you are going to be flying tomorrow and you are anxious, make your mantra for that day something like, “I love to fly and I am looking forward to my vacation in Bali.”

You can use AFFIRMATIONS to:

  • Motivate yourself

  • Keep your mind focused on your goals.

  • Make positive changes in the way you think, feel and act.

  • Influence the subconscious mind and harness its powers to help you reach your goals.

  • Shift your mindset and life experience to a more positive, energetic and active world view.

The best time to repeat affirmations is the last thing at night and first thing in the morning.  Each evening our subconscious mind “Takes over” as we prepare for sleep.  This is the time when your subconscious mind is most available for programming.  As we are sleeping, the mind uses dreaming to deal with all the things that have happened during the day.  When you read your affirmations out loud before falling asleep, they enter your subconscious and begin to make changes.

When you write them as well, another part of your brain is engaged and the affirmations are even more effective. 

When you wake up in the morning, you still have some access to your subconscious mind.  Read the affirmations again to set the stage for your day.  Even better?  Say them out loud in front of a mirror.

I offer each of my clients a copy of my book and journal, The Power in Affirmations. Clients use this as part of their daily practice to reinforce their personal Affirmations and track progress toward their goals.  The journal also contains space to write what you are grateful for each day.  This is another way to focus on the positives in your life. 

If you would like to work together on setting your goals and designing your affirmations for 2021, please contact me.




For another look at affirmations from a different perspective -


The science behind affirmations - does science believe they work? https://positivepsychology.com/daily-affirmations/